This page lists web links and pages which I have referred to in my blog posts, or that have been otherwise useful or relevant to my work for the Contemporary Art and Open Learning course.

Miro Links:
Who we are; what we Value
Blue Basho Board
Open Learning Peer Review Weeks 1-5
Inhabiting Practice

Blog References:
Tom Sachs, Ten Bullets (2010)
Tom Sachs (artist website)
Peeragogy Handbook 3.0
Open Learning Course Handbook
After Action Review (Wikipedia page)
After Action Review (NHS page)
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
OER White Paper
Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop
Play Radical
Asset Mapping
Rubric for Self-Organized Learning
Paul Thek’s Teaching Notes, 1978-81
Draw It With Your Eyes Closed
Race Horse Naming Conventions
British Horse Racing Authority
Horse Name Availability database
The School of the Damned
School of the Damned Manifesto
Wolfgang Tillmans’ Truth Study Center
Mind-mapping (Wikipedia page)
Pocket Object

Hypothesis account
The Pocket Project
Corrina Goutos’ Souvenirs
Ron Nagle