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Audiences’ Pivot

What is your COVID-pivot?

By ‘Pivot’, we mean a shift or change you deployed or have noticed during the pandemic period 2020 – March 2021. For example, it can be:

(1) A shift in practice to cope with the pandemic. Merely trying to get by may also be considered a pivot.
(2) Adopting a new care ethics to accept and take better care of yourself (e.g. changes in living habits, behavioral habits etc). Perhaps you now feel more confused and unassured than before, trying to scope a future for yourself.
(3) A change around you in your environment, surroundings or something else that you have discovered without yet noticing…

Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

关于 “转变”,我们指的是你在2020年-2021年3月疫情期间所产生或发现的变化。

它可以是 :




请在下方的评论区和我们分享你的想法 (。ì _ í。)



The 5W1H method might help you talk about your story. This method is a way of thinking and creating, which entails thinking about the selected subject, from six aspects: object (What), place (Where), time (When), person (Who), reason (Why), and method (How). What’s your ‘pivot’? Who engaged with it? Where does it happen? When did you realise it? Why and How did it change?






6 Replies to “Audiences’ Pivot”

  1. 这场突如其来的疫情让我们明白:在病毒面前,不分高低贵贱,每个人都可能成为病毒的刀下魂。

  2. 在疫情回国后最大的转变是和周围的人们时间上的不同,因为我的课时基本是美国的下午时间相当于中国的凌晨。导致我和周围的朋友时间上的不同。生活在中国却过着美国时间的日常。也看到了不同的生活。我开始有时间看到日出,半夜散步感受没有什么人群的街道。我的心态上也有了不同的改变。我开始看见5点打扫大街的清洁工,3点开始卖早餐的推车。2点开始上班的的士司机。当然还有通宵上班的医务人员。我开始珍惜现在这段时间,开始理解以及接受周围人们的生活方式。也学会观察和倾听。和以前不同我不在站在自己的角度理解或者评论对方的生活说话方式。而是从倾听理解他们为何会做出这样的举动。

  3. 感受到最直接的是,世界好像点了加速键,像years by years里面的一样,不知道世界还会有什么剧情发展,也不知道自己什么时候就是主角!希望大家过上自己喜欢的剧情!

  4. I have founded many new methods of thinking during the pandemic. Especially the ability to distinguish between the right and the wrong. You can’t give a conclusion simply through the surface you saw. Just think more and look up more information.

  5. According to this sudden disaster , my biggest insight is that mankind is a community , and destiny is closely linked. I hope that this world will have less conflict and more love in the future. At the same time , I deeply felt the power of nature and the fragility of human beings . We should curb our arrogance and always stay in awe . This epidemic has deepened my understanding of life , promoted my emotions with my family, and changed my view of the world. Although it restricted my steps , it opened my mind .

  6. 這場疫情讓我發現原來自己燒的菜可以這麼好吃、豐富,甚至比最喜歡的餐廳還要讓自己上癮, 從窗戶看出去的世界,好像一日比一日更脆弱卻又更值得珍惜。每天察覺到內在的狀態的時刻似乎也越積越多,於是會花一些時間思考這些不同的心態。最後總是發現:它們包裹著的,一直是這都市裡一個女人躁動著的巨大自我。似乎一切倫理都被那個自我扭曲、改造,而最終可憐巴巴的妥協著。也許疫情讓我開始更關注過去遺忘了和習以為常的事物,也開始珍惜它們吧。在彼此看不見的地方,我們才開始更渴望看見彼此。在曾經最習慣的封閉裡,開始不習慣被封閉。如果病毒於我們是一種影響極大的挫折,也許可以帶來一些成長和思索的機遇,我們就必然不可忽視它的正面意義。現在我可能有機會看到了更廣義的存在性。發覺生命本身並不是生命存在的意義,它的本質是向死而生,而那些賴以生存的物質又何其易耗。一直以來,我們凡夫能做的,可不就是保護好那顆心緩緩流淌時的虔誠,無畏的希望、向前,又呼吸在此刻。

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