9 September
Aliff Mohd Sharif (University of Edinburgh)
MVPA: neural Coding of sentence-level semantic information
19 August
Fang Yang(University of Edinburgh)
Speakers’ decisions about what to mention next and what referring form to use in the continuation of Mandarin action events.
5 August
Yangzi Zhou (University of Edinburgh)
The effects of semantic similarity on speakers’ referential behaviour
24 June
Kate Stone (Potsdam University)
Take the trash: Do German readers predict long-distance verb particles?
17 June
Marieke Woensdregt (Radboud University)
Modelling the role of other-initiated repair in facilitating the emergence of compositionality
27 May
Alice Turk (University of Edinburgh)
From phonological representation to surface sound
20 May
Mirta Vernice (University of Urbino)
Reading comprehension in adolescents with L2 Italian: the role of degree of bilingualism
13 May
Kate McCurdy (CDT in Data Science, University of Edinburgh)
Modeling grammatical gender and plural inflection in German
6 May
Jessica Brough (University of Edinburgh)
The influence of race and gender on perspective-taking during language production
8 April
Roger van Gompel (University of Dundee)
The lexical boost effect in structural priming: Evidence for head-centred syntactic representations
Link to recording (available for UoE-members with EASE authentication)
25 March
Itamar Kastner (University of Edinburgh)
Allomorphic factors in lexical processing
19 February
Alice Rees (University of Edinburgh)
The role of alternatives in children’s pragmatic enrichment
12 February
Helen Koulidobrova (Central Connecticut State University)
At the intersection of disability, indigeneity, and language: What Sign multilingualism can tell us about both linguistic theory and theory of multilingualism
5 February
Matías Morales (University of Edinburgh)
Conceptualisation and formulation of motion event descriptions in L2
29 January
Ludivine Crible (University of Edinburgh)
Information density and cognitive complexity in discourse production and processing
22 January
Xiaodong Xu (Nanjing Normal University)
How pragmatic processing is modulated by concessive and causal conjunctions: behavioral and neural evidence
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