We have been recording PLC talks since April 2022. Talks with an asterisk [*] next to the title are available upon request. Talks with recordings publicly available have a link next to them.
22nd June
Tracing sarcastic meanings of fillers on Twitter: A structural analysis of data and a pilot study
Aida Tarighat (she/her) (University of Edinburgh)
15th June
Xixian Liao (she/her) (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Predictability and pronoun production: an online passage continuation study and a Bayesian meta-analysis (two studies in progress) [*]
8th June
Vinicius Macuch Silva (he/him) (Osnabrück University)
Interpreting utterances with modal particles in German and tracking referents in the online processing of referring expressions [*]
1st June
Radina Binti Mohamad Deli (she/her) (University of Edinburgh)
Implicit causality in younger and older children
18th May
Joanna Porkert (she/her) (University of Groningen)
Processing Gender Stereotypes in the Bilingual Brain [*]
11th May
Lena-Marie Huttner (Aix-Marseille Université)
Greta Gandolfi (University of Edinburgh)
Joanna Kruyt (Slovak Technical University)
Misalignment in alignment research [*]
27th April
Özlem Yeter (she/her) (Middle East Technical University)
20th April
Wei Li (she/her) (University of Edinburgh)
Early interpretation of scalar quantifiers in context: Mousetracking evidence for the role of social reasoning
6th April
Huanhuan Yin (she/her) (University of Edinburgh)
How does speech rate affect comprehenders’ prediction time?
30th March
16th March
Gonzalo García-Castro (he/him)(Centre for Brain and Cognition, Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
The role of cognateness during word recognition in a non-native language
9th March
Informal chat
23rd February
Iva Ivanova (she/her) (University of Texas)
Bilingual language control, or how bilinguals manage to stick to one language error-free
9th February
Andrea Bruera (Queen Mary University of London)
Exploring the representations of individual entities in the brain combining EEG and distributional semantics
26th January
Pia Sommerauer (Computational Linguistics & Text Mining Lab, VU Amsterdam)
Diagnosing Semantic Properties in Distributional Representations of Word Meaning
19th January
Chinmaya Mishra (Associate Researcher & PhD Fellow at Furhat Robotics)
Building a Planning-based Automated Gaze Control System for Social Robots
8th December
Informal chat
24th November
Ruth Corps (Max Plank Institute for Psycholinguistics)
Conversation is not like ping pong: Parallel talk in natural speech
17th November
Aliff Mohd Sharif (University of Edinburgh)
Blessed and Confused – Processing cost when switching between different introspective states
10th November
Alireza Mahmoudi Kamelabad (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Play Cards with a Social Robot: the effects of a sorting task on learning novel words
03rd November
Ernesto Guerra (Universidad de Chile)
Gender stereotypes drive anticipatory eye-movements during incremental sentence interpretation
27th October
Lena-Marie Huttner (Aix Marseille Université)
Towards studying phonetic convergence in perception
20 October
Hülya Aldemir (Universidad de Sevilla)
A systematic review of interventions in vocabulary for deaf/hard of hearing children and adolescents.
13 October
Charlotte Wilks (University of Edinburgh)
Investigating the stability of lexical entrainment in adulthood
29 September
Martijn Meeter (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
OB1-reader: word recognition, eye movements, EEG
22 September
Jessica Brough (University of Edinburgh)
Aye Robot: Using narrative to manipulate perceived mind and word order during language production
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