25 June
Georgia-Ann Carter (University of Edinburgh)
Effects of global discourse coherence on local contextual predictions
16 June
Lauren Hadley (University of Nottingham)
Strategies for interacting in a social world
9 June
Radina Binti Mohamad Deli (University of Edinburgh)
The effect of verb-based implicit causality on the resolution of ambiguous pronouns in Malay children with ASD
2 June
Yue Yu(University of Edinburgh)
Do people do structural reanalysis when they encounter an implausible sentence?
26 May
Greta Gandolfi (University of Edinburgh)
Conceptual alignment and its meta-representation promote communication success
28 April
Irene Winther (University of Edinburgh)
Cognate facilitation in computational language models
21 April
Evan Kidd (University of Birmingham)
Sentence planning and production in Australian free word order languages
7 April
Greg Woodin (University of Birmingham)
‘Tiny numbers’ are actually tiny: Evidence from gestures in the TV News Archive
24 March
Shiri Lev-Ari (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Larger networks lead to more robust communication
17 March
Doğuş Can Öksüz (University of Cambridge)
Collocational Processing in L1 and L2: Combining experimental and corpus approaches.
10 March
Sumrah Arshad (University of Göttingen)
Acquisition of Sentential Negation in Child Language
3 March
Micha Heilbron (Donders Institute/MPI)
A hierarchy of linguistic predictions during natural language comprehension
24 February
Rhona Amos (University of Geneva)
Prediction in Interpreting
10 February
Tobias Ungerer (University of Edinburgh)
Structural priming meets Construction Grammar: Using priming to explore networks of constructions
3 February
Matías Morales (University of Edinburgh)
Can bilinguals attain the lexical and structural preferences of their L2?
27 January
Eugene Philalithis (University of Edinburgh)
Automated theory inference and spontaneous convention repair.
20 January
Marion Coumel (University of Warwick)
First and second language learning and processing via syntactic priming
13 January
Tiwalayo Eisape (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Cloze Distillation: Improving neural language models with human next-word predictions
2 December
Dávid György (University of Geneva)
Rhythmic priming of syntactic processing: is the effect purely facilitatory?
25 November
Elizabeth Le-luan (University of Manchester)
Investigating message-level prediction and individual differences during the processing of written language: An eye tracking investigation.
18 November
Sophie Hardy (University of Warwick)
Healthy Ageing and Sentence Production: Insights from Syntactic Priming
4 November
Nivedita Mani (University of Göttingen)
Why do children learn words?
21 October
Dale Barr (University of Glasgow)
Memory representations and common ground in referential communication
14 October
Dan Mirman (University of Edinburgh)
Comprehension of metaphors and poetic language: Half-baked brainchildren that need your help to flower.
7 October
Sakshi Bhatia (Central University of Rajasthan)
Agreement processing in a language with a mixed agreement system: Evidence from Hindi
30 September
Clara Cohen, Catherine Higham and Syed Waqar Nabi (University of Glasgow)
Deep Learnability: Using Neural Networks to Quantify Language Similarity and Learnability
23 September
Francesco Cabiddu (Cardiff University)
Beyond frequency-based parameters in computational models of early word segmentation
16 September
Zhenguang G. Cai (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Speakers are more likely to lexically align with a linguistically less-competent interlocutor in language production
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