Hurrah for!
In my previous blog, I referred to my paper with Michael May [1], which failed to be accepted for publication, despite my having tried several journals. I suppose that some of my choices were unrealistic (e.g Nature) and that I could have tried more. Also, I could have specified referees, which I don’t like doing, but now increasingly suspect that it is prudent to do so. Anyway, I see from ResearchGate that, despite it only being on the arXiv, it continues to receive some attention; and I was pleased to find that it had actually been cited for publication.
It was only recently, when thinking of topics for another blog on peer review, that I remembered that I already had a paper on the arXiv; and it has been cited about a dozen times (although two of those are by me!). This was a paper with one of my students [2] which was presented at the Monte Verita conference in 1998. Naturally I expected it to appear in the conference proceedings, but it received a referee’s report that ran something like this: ‘No doubt the authors have some reasons of their own for doing these things but I am unable to see any interest or value in their work’. So we had to rely on the arXiv publication.
Now, the idea of studying the filtered/partitioned nonlinear term, from the point of view of subgrid modelling and renormalization group, was quite an active field at that time, so the referee was actually revealing his own ignorance. (In fact, I know who it was and someone who knew him personally told me that this is exactly the kind of person he is. Very enthusiastic about his own topic and uninterested in other topics.) This is an extreme deficiency of scholarship, but in my view is not completely untypical of the turbulence community. It is perhaps worth mentioning that one of the results we presented was really quite profound in showing how a subgrid eddy viscosity could represent amplitude effects but not phase effects. Various people working in the field would have had an inkling of this fact, but we actually demonstrated it quantitatively by numerical simulation.
The paper also turned out to have some practical value. Later on, I received a request from someone who was preparing a chapter for inclusion in an encyclopaedia, for permission to reproduce one of our figures. This was published in 2004, and in 2017 a second edition appeared [3]. In 2004 the work was also cited in a specialist article on large-eddy simulation [4], and over the years it has been cited various times in this type of article, most recently in the present year. So, other people saw interest and value in the work, but it didn’t appear in the conference proceedings! The relevant figure appears below.
As a final point, I have sometimes wondered about the status of arXiv publications. An interesting point of view can be found in the book by Roger Penrose [5]. At the beginning of his bibliography he refers favourably to the arXiv, stating that some people actually regard it as a source of eprints, as an alternative to journal publication. He also notes how this can speed up the exchange of ideas, perhaps too much so!
Of course, in his subject, speculative ideas are an everyday fact of life. In turbulence, on the other hand, speculative ideas have little chance of getting past the dour, ‘handbook engineering’ mind-set of so many people in the field of turbulence. So, let’s all post our speculative ideas on the arXiv, where it is quite easy to find them with the aid of Mr Google.
[1] W. D. McComb and M. Q. May. The effect of Kolmogorov (1962) scaling on the universality of turbulence energy spectra. arXiv:1812.09174[physics.flu- dyn], 2018.
[2] W. D. McComb and A. J. Young. Explicit-Scales Projections of the Partitioned Nonlinear Term in Direct Numerical Simulation of the Navier-Stokes Equation. Presented at 2nd Monte Verita Colloquium on Fundamental Problematic Issues in Turbulence: available at arXiv:physics/9806029 v1, 1998.
[3] T. J. R. Hughes, G. Scovazzi, and L. P. Franca. Multiscale and Stabilized Methods. In E. Stein, R. de Borst, and T. J. R. Hughes, editors, Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics Second Edition, pages 1-102. Wiley, 2017.
[4] T. J. R. Hughes, G. N. Wells, and A. A. Wray. Energy transfers and spectral eddy viscosity in large-eddy simulations of homogeneous isotropic turbulence: Comparison of dynamic Smagorinsky and multiscale models over a range of discretizations. Phys. Fluids, 16(11):4044-4052, 2004.
[5] Roger Penrose. The Road to Reality. Vintage Books, London, 2005.