Visit to Japan

Identifying best practice and developing guidelines for migrant care workers to provide culturally sensitive person-centred care for older people and people with dementia in Japan
Dr Radha Adhikari and Professor Pam Smith have just spent 12 days in Japan collecting data for this project funded by the Butterfield Awards for UK-Japan collaboration in medical research and public health practice. Radha is the PI and the project builds on her research collaboration since 2014 with Professor Ruth Carlos, Professor of Economics, Faculty of International Studies, Ryukoko University, Kyoto on the global workforce and migrant care workers in Japan.

Radha interviewing a Filipina care worker

Group discussion at the Nara Higashi Hospital Group

Group photo at the Maimu Nursing Home, Maizuru, Kyoto

Radha & Pam visiting a temple to see Autumn leaves

Mount Fuji from the Shikansen ‘bullet train’