New Norms and Forms of Development

Brokerage in Maternal and Child Health Service Development and Delivery in Nepal and Malawi
Radha Adhikari and Pam Smith are currently in Kathmandu, Nepal disseminating the project findings at a conference and workshop. The ESRC/DFID funded project is due for completion in October 2016.
Annual Kathmandu Conference on Nepal and the Himalaya
On 27 July Radha presented a paper on the Role of Networks and Relationships in International Aid and Maternal and Child Health. The presentation was part of a panel on New Norms and Forms of Development in the Health Sector in Nepal chaired by Jeevan Sharma, Lecturer, Social Anthropology, the School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh and a member of the research team. The following day, 28 July, Radha chaired a panel on The Use of Social Science Method in Mental Health Research and Intervention Design in Nepal.
Nepal Dissemination Workshop
The project has benefited from strong partnerships between the Schools of Health in Social Science and Social and Political Science. University of Edinburgh, Social Science BAHA, Nepal and the Kamuzu College of Nursing, University of Malawi:

Obindra Chand, Social Science BAHA undertaking Fieldwork
The workshop took place on August 1st at the Annapurna Hotel, Kathmandu attended by 42 delegates from funding agencies, universities, NGOs, the Ministry of Health and the project team. The discussions centred on the social and political organisation of external development assistance, the importance of networks and relationships in the functioning of MCH projects, and the ‘new norms’ which emphasise ‘value for money, evidence and measurement of results’. An open discussion followed on the policy and practice implications of the research.
Click on the link to view photos taken at the workshop
Pam Smith, Radha Adhikari
Kathmandu, August 1st 2016