Transtime, Techne & Enchantment: Torsten Lauschmann Text and Q&A commissioned by the Edinburgh Artists Moving Image Festival Dec 10, 2015
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The aim of our charrette is to investigate different ways in which Scottish Universities might work with our host Hospitalfield on research projects, knowledge exchange and related funding bids. The structure and constitution of the charrette is designed to draw out different…
Comments closedJanuary 23, 2015 School of Art, Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh (Hunter Lecture Theatre), 10.00 am with Hans Abbing, Evangelos Chrysagis, The Confraternity of Neoflaggelants (Norman James Hogg and Neil Mulholland), Angela McClanahan, Georgios Papadopoulos, Stevphen Shukaitis, Marina…
Comments closedThe Four Seasons: MacInnes over Africa Words: Dr Pru Forrest, Newcastle Art Gallery, New South Wales. Images: Angus B. MacInnes African Affair paintings (2013-14). My presentation for the Steven Campbell Trust Lecture at CCA, Glasgow. (10 mins) Catalogue available from Hour Projects, Copenhagen The Steven Campbell…
Comments closedIn 2014, Shift/Work commissioned an artist (Leeds United and designer (Crille Lampa to facilitate a three-day workshop at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop. Shift/Work Unlearning (28-30th May 2014) acted upon current discourses and practices that engage with the values of…
Comments closedShift/Work is a research project jointly developed by Edinburgh College of Art and Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop that has run since 2010. Setting out to examine and reconfigure comprehensive workshop-based approaches to artistic production that are theoretically informed, practical and participatory.…
Comments closedSpeakers Ysanne Holt – University of Northumbria | Angela McClanahan – University of Edinburgh | Neil Mulholland – University of Edinburgh | Louise Thody – University of Edinburgh | Stephen Hurrell – Artist, Glasgow | “The term charrette, meaning cart in…
Comments closedThe Confraternity of Neoflagellants will be presenting Dark Age Matter as part of the Goldsmiths Art PhD Programme Symposium on Neomedievalisms 27-29th January 2014 Organisers: Roman Vasseur & Alex Pollard See attached PDF for Outline, Timetable & Venues. The sessions on…
Comments closedthN Lng folk 2go: Investigating Future Premoderns™ by The Confraternity of Neoflagellants with a Preface by Simon O’Sullivan Brooklyn, NY: punctum books, 2013. 242 pages, illus. ISBN-13: 978-0615890258. OPEN-ACCESS e-book and $17.00 [€15.00/£12.00] in print: paperbound/5 X 8 in. “At…
Comments closedShift/Work will be part of a Sculpture, entitled Education: not knowing at Raven Row, 13th November 2012. The Sculpture features in… The Individual and the Organisation: Artist Placement Group 1966-79 27 September to 16 December 2012 This is the first…
Comments closedI’m giving at talk on Art & Language early works at Summerhall, Edinburgh 10/8/12 at 15:00. It’s free. Aug 9, 2012
Comments closedFeb 27, 2012
Comments closedThursday 29 March 2012 Neil Mulholland: The Anatomy of Shrigley-ism BLUE ROOM > Spirit Level at Royal Festival Hall, Thursday 29 March, 7pm Neil Mulholland, Professor of Contemporary Art and Director of the MFA at Edinburgh College of Art, will…
Comments closedScottish Independents This democratisation of the intellect is our inheritance (not least since we have already paid for it), our creative commons; it is what enables us to innovate and to engage transnationally. This is an invaluable and ambitious…
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Masters of Contemporary Art, Edinburgh College of Art @ Royal College of Art
I’ll be speaking at this: Saturday 3 December 2011, 10.00–18.00 – If you are in London, come along, it’s free!
Or watch it online:
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Who Are We Writing For?
A symposium exploring the strategies for communicating contemporary art in the public realm
To celebrate and complicate world-renowned Swiss artist Roman Signer’s premiere of his new work, Transmissions from the River (Übertragungen aus dem Fluss), along the River Bogie in Huntly, Scotland, Deveron Arts is pleased to present Who Are We Writing For?, an intensive peer-led symposium addressing the state of critical art discourse and its role in the public realm. Sparked by Signer’s seemingly simple, yet highly theorized oeuvre that defies any specific genre and discourse, Deveron Arts is inviting a select number of participants from across the UK, Europe, and abroad to join in asking ourselves: Can we be both critical AND publicly accessible when it comes to discussing contemporary art?
From acute curatorial statements, strategic public outreach programmes, to mass marketing materials, how are we interpreting, translating, advertising, and elucidating contemporary art today? And who are we really writing for?
Please note: This event is by invite only.
Who Are We Writing For?
15 – 16 September 2011
Huntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Co-produced by Amy Fung and Deveron Arts
A programme of workshops supported and facilitated by Edinburgh College of Art
with: Sovay Berriman, Stephen Hurrell, Chris Evans & Natasha Soobramanien
Join us in active workshops that take the Portobello townscape as their point of departure to explore what makes art public and what public art might become.
For more information:
To reserve a place:
Find us on Facebook:
Venue: Public Art Fest, Big Things of the Beach, Portobello Indoor Bowls & Leisure Centre, 20 Westbank Street, Portobello, Edinburgh EH15 1DR.
Contact Us: publicart[at]
finissage : Sunday 7th of August from 7 p.m at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop during the Edinburgh Art Festival Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop presents Shift/Work, a workshop running between the Saturday 30th of July and Sunday the 7th of August 2011.…
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