I mean, there’s no formula for it.
So I go to hang out at this hotel – (how did I know about this random place in the middle of nowhere, but that’s the one I chose, it was in Lichtenstein) – to go on my honeymoon or whatever, gyeah, and it looked like the Best Western in Stanley, but, hey, this was before Expedia’s sorta unwritten history of the world, and I’m, like, transitioning how I do my routine and my schedule’s kinda all over the place, and I was like, “there’s nobody here”, it was empty – (the hotel hadn’t hit the tipping point which allowed it to start getting the revenue to be able to hire people for it to be able to keep growing a community and reach toward the goal of reaching as many people as possible) – which was awesome because I did this crazy thing where I had one of the best continental breakfast ever with no humans running around – “get out of my way, I just want my biscuits and gravy now” – because I normally just don’t know how long breakfast is gonna take cause normally in the morning, I’m, like, recycling nutrients and stem cells and whatever the theory is into my mug and then, like, drinking in my intentions because if you continue on that path you eventually get there, you know, and it got me thinking, like, you look at the label on the jar, one that’s heavily dude-oriented, and you’re like “dude is so stressed out because they won’t stop thinking about this and this and this…” – (I mean it’s something that a lota dudes were still afraid to do then) – and that’s ok if they wanted to think that there’s nothing more available to them, it’s just that that kind of mindset was not ready to… I mean you still notice it’s there, it’s kind of failed… that feels mean because it can be very well done, but that kind of unfortunate is just not serving or doing it justice or expanding societal horizons in this beautiful realm, (I’m just so immersed in this beautiful world now, but those were the types of ideas that were not yet mainstream), and then she was just like “I’m putting you on the schedule, like, you’re going to perform in the hotel to-night”, and I’m like “wait wait wait, OMG, this is the easiest thing ever!” So, stupidly I was, like…
I just said I would do it.