“Linda Richman: Welcome to Coffee Talk I’m your host Linda Richman. On this show we talk about coffee, dawters, dawgs, you know no big whoop just Coffee Talk.” (King 1993) ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ I’m taking…
Comments closedMonth: March 2022
A combination e.g. Role play and Scenario-based activity including gamification tools 25% Role play (dramatic recorded script and short animation) – 3 members to do voice overs 25% Role play (dramatic recorded video) – 3 members to complete 25% Scenario-based…
Comments closedWebinar: Digital literacies with David White and Jörg Pareigis 16.3.21 📓 My notes for David White’s Webinar are in Miro here Visitors & Residents Paradigm We propose that our Visitors and Residents paradigm not only describes the lived experience and…
Comments closedSavin-Baden, M., (2014) Problem-based learning: New constellations for the 21stCentury. Journal of Excellence in College Teaching 25 (3/4) 197-219. (direct download) Kek, M. & Huijser, H. (2015). 21st century skills: problem based learning and the University of the Future Paper…
Comments closedPresent your group to the wider ONL community in any way you like https://www.artsteps.com/view/622a4fa2f6c17f5634693ceb Mar 11, 2022
Comments closedAssignment #18: Re-create a poster you had as a teenager. http://learningtoloveyoumore.com/reports/18/18.php I made a couple of re-creations of an enormous Cocteau Twins poster I had in Glasgow as a teenager. Cocteau Twins were, of course, the best Scottish bands at…
Comments closedPeer-to-Peer Review P2P review means we are all required to be a reviewer and to be reviewed. You can think of this as you always having someone to listen to you, and you having someone (else) that you listen to.…
Comments closedTask: There is one task for the group: to present your group to the wider ONL community in any way you like – a presentation (Google slides, PowerPoint, Prezi, Sway…), a Padlet, a video or whatever you can think of……
Comments closedSwarm Reading is a technique I use with students when we all need to read a whole book. It could work well with some of the longer texts that are part of the recommended reading for this course? Here’s an…
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