The feedback would have to be able to incorporate tacit-to-tacit support. That would mean it would have to be live/real-time. Using 📹in MS Teams would be a simple way of enabling that.

Some time-shifted feedback could be given verbally (audio recordings) or in writing if students submitted folios of their work. Audio is better in some ways, but it’s often meandering/rambling. That can often lead to a misalignment between feedback and assessment. I can see that this would impact upon transactional distance if it were online. Text, if written within LO parameters, might be useful in this case.

Students would give peer-to-peer feedback on each other’s work in progress. A simple way of scaffodling that would be to use PeerMark – using a Q&A strucuture that mirrors group critique style inquiry. It’d also be easy enough to ask each student to record audio or 📹feedback for their peers in MS Teams or on a (like this one)!

Daniel Clowes Art School Confidential (1991-)

Daniel Clowes Art School Confidential (1991-)