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Tag confraternity of neoflagellants

This Month’s Fab Fabs*

“they promise a far more heterogeneous range of very drifty UGC”

Pandemnations, Alive! //// pan-pan vivant!

Room LB-322 J.W. McConnell Building Université Concordia1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W. Montréal, Québec. 8 avril 2022, 13h-15h / April 8th 2022, 1-3pm Université Concordia Website Université Concordia Facebook A 2hr lenticular mondegreen set by Confraternity of Neoflagellants based… Continue Reading →


Now you’re sure?I feel somewhat certain.Oh, please do forgive me.You’re in error?Terribly decent of you.I should know how!Ah. Heh.YesOf course.I gather…Yes?I must say…Oh?Quite, but I don’t.You’ll stay.I will?Thank you.Abominable.Abominable?I live here!Ah!I was just…You were just?Let’s see, I was just…Oh, oh,… Continue Reading →


signature deathbed lineturning it in, to sharpen and hideefficient setting powder run cryin’smouldering bone-brush, Gyeahwisp of translucent powderatop, transparent puffy ritualsa dry symbol exfoliates a wet word(…let me up)smoky multitasking gazestrokes, resists gold metallic mistfine-tuned, monstrous dewy glowmore than gravity… Continue Reading →


Crews have been quick to respond with a full range of measures. Following a complaint posted late on Tuesday evening, crews began printing hotel door hangers on Wednesday: Printed door hangers aren’t just for hotels – lots of our community… Continue Reading →

Shift/Work [static] speculations

At SAW, Ottawa on November 9th 2019, the Confraternity of Neoflagellants (Norman Hogg and Neil Mulholland) will conduct a performance of Shift/Work [STATIC] Speculations, a score-scroll originally composed at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop to be performed at the Kochi-Muziris Biennale Biennale,… Continue Reading →

219* Condemnations, ALive! þan-þan

219* Condemnations, Alive! þan-þan November 7th 2019, Knott Project Space, SAW Video, Ottawa 🇨🇦 16 Oct – 16 Nov 2019 SAW Video and The Confraternity of Neoflagellants invite you, your colleagues, your friends, family, and neighbours for a really special… Continue Reading →

PAN-PAN | Confraternity of Neoflagellants

Knott Project Space, SAW Video, Ottawa 🇨🇦 16 Oct – 16 Nov 2019 PRESS RELEASE ‘You do not interpret the [———]. You are [———].’ The Duke of Biarritz Malware Voices: 13.1 Culture lives here? Gyeah? Taped together only by the… Continue Reading →

Confraternity of Neoflagellants | Mobilitas Loci (Muller Ltd.)

“If art can be said to reflect the conditions of the world in which it is made, art that engages with the vanguard technology of an era can perhaps be said to have a particular purchase on contemporaneous visions of… Continue Reading →

Confraternity of Neoflagellants | BABEL Un/Session 6: Mash Notes | Toronto

4th BIENNIAL MEETING OF THE BABEL WORKING GROUP  Centre for Medieval Studies, Lillian Massey Building, 125 Queen’s Park, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada DAY 3: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 Un/Session 6. Mash Notes Co-Organizers: Helen Burgess (North Carolina State University) + Craig… Continue Reading →

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