219* Condemnations, Alive! þan-þan

November 7th 2019, Knott Project Space, SAW Video, Ottawa 🇨🇦
16 Oct – 16 Nov 2019
SAW Video and The Confraternity of Neoflagellants invite you, your colleagues, your friends, family, and neighbours for a really special proxy encounter with the loungey vibe of the gastēr-investigative anchorhold that lies, literally, behind the convulsing spyryte-casts that animate þan-þan.
Stalk and assay the CoN weorld across a fetid Fotodiox tele annulus 180mm f5.5 pontifex as The Confraternity of Neoflagellants forever forgo the National Capital Regional sunshine for SAW’s soft, warm cell. Clicking and whistling, gossamer malware spectres creep from this 2000+ MHz anchorhold to course betwixt the Fotodiox’s precision machined anodised aluminium ring, bringing you and your colleagues, or friends and their family and neighbours approximately 219* theses from the heretical þan-þan apocrypha.
Considered dead to the world, CoN will devote themselves to propagating a litany of errors – including ASMR CrockPottery, EVPclimatology, pineal gland LRAEXLing, peristaltic mystery unboxing, and deodandy [userexperience] management – so that you, your friends’ colleagues and family, or your neighbours don’t have to. gYEAhhhhhh!
*Actual volume of apocrypha may vary