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Category Talks

Pandemnations, Alive! //// pan-pan vivant!

Room LB-322 J.W. McConnell Building Université Concordia1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W. Montréal, Québec. 8 avril 2022, 13h-15h / April 8th 2022, 1-3pm Université Concordia Website Université Concordia Facebook A 2hr lenticular mondegreen set by Confraternity of Neoflagellants based… Continue Reading →

FAST45 #3 Public Lecture Shift/Work: A Paragogics for Open Artistic Learning

Futures Art School Trends 2045 Introduction In 2045 the world as we know it will look very different. Although we cannot predict the future, we can shape it. FAST45 (Futures Art School Trends 2045) recognises the potential of the creativity… Continue Reading →

KuvA Research Days 2021

Re-imagining the Art School – workshop and symposium Neil Mulholland  KuvA Research Days 13-15.12.2021 will take place at Mylly, the new building of Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki at Uniarts Helsinki’s Sörnäinen campus, and at Oodi, the central library of… Continue Reading →

In the Open: Opening Access to Artistic Learning

The Foundation Course in Art and Design: Past, Present and Future: Collective Imagining Symposium to be held virtually as part of FutureLab in Shanghai on Friday 3rd December 2021. The event will be hosted by the current steering committee of INFE (International Foundation Network) and hosted virtually by… Continue Reading →

#OERCamp Global 2021

Contemporary Art & Open Learning: An OER for Artistic Paragogy Neil Mulholland Hour 22 (starting 10 Dec 2021, 10 am UTC+0) Click to join the session #OERCamp Global 2021 on Please create account in order to enrol for the… Continue Reading →

219* Condemnations, ALive! þan-þan

219* Condemnations, Alive! þan-þan November 7th 2019, Knott Project Space, SAW Video, Ottawa 🇨🇦 16 Oct – 16 Nov 2019 SAW Video and The Confraternity of Neoflagellants invite you, your colleagues, your friends, family, and neighbours for a really special… Continue Reading →

Re-imagining the Art School | Glasgow School of Art

  Flourish: Johnny Rodger & Irene McAra McWilliams Memory, Will and Understanding II present: Re-imagining the Art School Professor Neil Mulholland (The University of Edinburgh) Thursday 24th January 2019 5.30-7pm Bourdon Lecture Theatre Glasgow School of Art Re-imagining the Art School assesses the organisational… Continue Reading →

The Unlearning Organisation: Cultural Devolution and Scotland’s Visual Arts 1967-2017 @ Scottish Society for Art History 2018 Study Day

The Scottish Society for Art History’s Study Day for 2018 is on the theme of Art Organisations and Institutions in Scotland. The event is hosted in association with Fine Art Critical Studies, The Glasgow School of Art, and will take… Continue Reading →

Creative Arts Research Group, Trinity College Dublin

Neil Mulholland – “Artistic Research in the University of Edinburgh and across the European Union” Creative Arts Research Group, Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin | Dublin 2  | Coláiste na Tríonóide, Baile Átha Cliath, Ollscoil Átha Cliath | Baile Átha… Continue Reading →

Best Practices of Artistic Research | League of European Research Universities

Neil Mulholland – “Best Practices of Artistic Research at LERU Universities” Meeting of the LERU Social Sciences & Humanities Policy Group at the University of Zürich, Collegium Helveticum Semper-Sternwarte, Zürich 🇨🇭 16/10/17 Oct 15, 2017

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