EPH_logoThe 7th European Public Health Conference takes place in Glasgow this year, and MMP will be there.

On Thursday 20th November 2014, Professor Catharine Ward Thompson (MMP Principal Investigator) will chair a workshop at the conference, which this year has as its theme ‘Mind the gap: Reducing inequalities in health and health care’.

Co-organised by the EUPHA Section on Public Mental Health and the University of Edinburgh, the workshop will feature presentations by Catharine and six other researchers, including MMP team members…

Professor Jamie Pearce speaking about:
Opportunities and challenges in researching the longitudinal effects of green environments throughout the life course.

… and …

Dr Jenny Roe and Dr Chris Neale speaking about:
Using mobile EEG (electroencephalography) to explore the relationship between environmental affect (i.e. mood of a place) and mobility whilst walking through different urban settings with and without green space, in a range of participants, including older people, aged 65+

The workshop will be co-chaired by Jutta Lindert, Professor of Public Health at the Protestant University of Ludwigsburg, Germany.

The 7th European Public Health Conference conference runs from 19th – 22nd November 2014 at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow. It is hosted by the European Public Health Conference Foundation, the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and the UK Society for Social Medicine. For full programme information, and to register, visit http://ephconference.eu/




Convened by Níall McLaughlin, of UCL and Níall McLaughlin Architects, the RIBA’s 9th annual Research Symposium is dedicated to how architects can benefit from designing for older people.

A key feature of the Symposium, which takes place on Tuesday 18th November 2014 at the RIBA in London, will be an exploration of age-friendly placemaking through a series of case studies.

The case studies will offer an original insight into six inspiring projects from around the UK, based on a series of visits with the architects and a variety of academic reviewers.

Professor Catharine Ward Thompson (MMP) will be co-presenting with Liza Fior of muf architecture/art on muf’s public realm improvements to Barking Town Square.

The 9th annual RIBA Research Symposium is on Tuesday 18th November 2014 at the headquarters of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) on Portland Place in London. For full programme information, and to register, visit the RIBA website