Mobility, Mood and Place is delighted to have hosted an international conference on Habitats for Happy and Healthy Ageing and would like to thank all our presenters, exhibitors and delegates for attending.
The conference took place in Edinburgh from 11th to 14th October 2016.
We are pleased to share the conference proceedings, with papers by our three keynote speakers and abstracts for our 53 presentations and 12 posters.
> Habitats for Happy and Healthy Ageing conference proceedings (opens as a pdf)
For reference, you can also browse the final conference programme, with details of keynote, plenary sessions and parallel sessions and our three site-based workshops.
> Final programme for Habitats for Happy and Healthy Ageing (opens as a pdf)
Conference themes
The conference was based around four themes related to our research.
> Find out more about our four conference themes
Key speakers
Over the course of the event, we heard from three key speakers and three opening guests.
> Find out more about our key speakers and opening guests
Site-based workshops
The final day of our conference included three site-based workshops based around our key research themes and methods.
Workshop One: Design for Dementia
Bringing delegates together with local older people, and students from the Universities of Edinburgh and Stirling, this workshop introduced the skills and techniques of co-design.
> Find out more about this workshop
Workshop Two: Urban Brainwear
Taking delegates out into the urban environment, this workshop gave participants the chance to see mobile neural imaging technology in action.
> Find out more about this workshop
Workshop Three: Places, then and now, how do they influence our health?
Following in the footsteps of our lifecourse researchers, this workshop explored historical information on Edinburgh’s social and physical environment and its residents’ health.
> Find out more about this workshop
The conference took place in the John McIntyre Conference Centre on the edge of Holyrood Park in Edinburgh’s historic city centre. The Conference Dinner on Thursday 13th October was held in the Playfair Library at the Old College, University of Edinburgh.
Social media
You can look back at the conference on Twitter by following the hashtag #OSPS4
> Go to the conference Twitter feed
The conference was the fourth in the international Open Space : People Space (OSPS) series. Previous OSPS conferences have taken place in Edinburgh in 2004, 2007 and 2011.