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MA Contemporary Art Theory

MA Contemporary Art Theory

School of Art, The University of Edinburgh

This year’s Art & Open Learning Fair builds upon Georg Hardenberg/Novalis/Joseph Beuys’ 1978 provocation: JEDER MENSCH EIN KÜNSTLER. The Fair is a process that has emerged from the open educational resource (OER) produced by Neil Mulholland, Emma Balkind, Jake Watts and Beth Dynowski. The OER is accessible here via this blog: Monday 23rd November […]

Please join us in celebrating the talent of our graduating students.   After an introduction from ECA Heads of Subject Areas, this will be followed by well wishes from Programme Directors and a concert featuring the Reid School of Music PhD Music students. Professor Juan Cruz, ECA Principal, will then close the event. FRIDAY 4th SEPTEMBER […]

キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! Contemporary Art & Open Learning is a brand new 20 credit course running as part of the MA Contemporary Art Theory and MFA Contemporary Art Practice programmes in the School of Art, ECA, The University of Edinburgh. The Course Organiser and designer is Prof Neil Mulholland. The teaching team includes Dr Jake Watts and […]

Alchemy Film & Arts Curator Rachael Disbury is our Annual Alumnus in Residency in the School of Art, ECA. Rachael was a Contemporary Art Theory postgraduate student in ECA 2013-15. The MA Contemporary Art Theory and MA Contemporary Art Practice Programmes have invited Rachael to return to ECA to research a project of her […] The MA Contemporary Art Theory is a post-studio graduate programme that supports the practices of artists and contemporary art professionals. Students from the MA Contemporary Art Theory programme at Edinburgh College of Art, The University of Edinburgh have curated a collection of resources and activities focusing on navigating the inconsistencies found in translating from one language to […]

Most Dismal Swamp presents Dismal Sessions Dismal Sessions is an ongoing series of audio-visual mulch: DJ sets, cursed ASMR,  documented performances, baroque polemics, party-line interference, poetry, spells; a miasma of damned data. Dismal Session 001: Did I disappoint you? by Body Drift Dismal Session 002: Live set by Never Worse Dismal Session 003: WHAT LUXURY […]

MA CAT will incorporate our new course Art + Anthropology (20 Credits) programmed by Atelier: Making Research Material. This experimental course explores and develops the convergence of the anthropological turn in contemporary art practices with the visual, material and practice turns in social anthropology with the aim of fostering a new art+anthropology interdiscipline. The course […]

John Baldessari – Class Assignments (optional), 1970 fourteen disparate assignments, Cal Arts Post Studio Art class 1970. The MA CAT is a post-studio programme. Art education is still predicated on the assumption that the ‘studio’ is the normative site of learning. Post Studio art (Baldessari 1970-) challenged this assumption. The studio is a relatively new invention […]

Naomi Garriock – Mechanisms (2020) Click on this link for images of the workshop   Download PDF of Mechanisms Instructions (link)   This workshop will last 4 hours with a 1 hour break in the middle. Please wear comfortable warm clothing and bring a smartphone to record and listen and something to write on (phone, […]


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