Author: Kneel, Mulholland: Drive! site – – is now an archive of public facing projects in the MA CAT. It will continue to offer an overview of CAT courses for applicants. General support for current and incoming CAT students has moved to Foundations: Foundations introduces some of the key tools and the core philosophy of the […]
This multidisciplinary extravaganza is brought to you by the artists from MA Contemporary Art Practice at ECA. As we embark on the final stretch of our Master’s Degree, we are zoning in on the accumulated learning and artistic development of the past 9 months, focusing our efforts and summoning collective creative forces to bring into […]
University students can reserve free tickets here: And non-students can buy a ticket for £2 here:
Themes in Contemporary Art, MA Contemporary Art Theory, School of Art, ECA Wednesday 22nd November 2023, 3-5pm E22 Lecture Theatre, Edinburgh College of Art, Main Building, Lauriston Place Audio Only (low-bandwidth) 1hr 51mins CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Adam Benmakhlouf and Gabi Barkess-Kerr, MA Contemporary Art Theory, School of Art, ECA, Audio & Slide Presentations […]
Monday 6th November, at 16:00 – 17:30pm, ECA Main Building Lecture Theatre, E.22, ECA Main Building Alberta Whittle‘s talk will take the form of an in-conversation discussion with artist Kirsty Hendry regarding community engagement and collaboration within Alberta’s work. We hope that you can all join us for this talk. It is a unique opportunity […]
Welcome to The University of Edinburgh! I’m Professor Neil Muholland the MA CAT Programme Director. I am looking forward to seeing you all at 11:00am on the 13th of September 2023. We are meeting in Room J.03 which is in the North East Studio Building of Edinburgh College of Art, very close to the café. […]
CAR starts May 29th 2023. Here is a link to the Course Handbook:
14th December 2022 – 10.00am to 3.05pm – Register here for a ticket: Spark Live! tickets| Eventbrite We are celebrating the special edition of Spark on Digital Education with an online event. The event is open to all UAL staff, students and external visitors. The authors will give a short talks about their […]
Thursday 1st December 2022 10:00 to 13:00 Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop //// 21 Hawthornvale, Edinburgh EH6 4JT, Scotland Find us here: Artists’ Toolkits are free, open resources created by artists for the purpose of sharing their practices. MA Contemporary Art Theory students are hosting a BarCamp featuring 24 of their workshops at Edinburgh Sculpture […]