Mechanisms | Basic Mountain

Naomi Garriock – Mechanisms (2020)

Basic Mountain, Hill St, Edinburgh
Click on this link for images of the workshop
Download PDF of Mechanisms Instructions (link)
This workshop will last 4 hours with a 1 hour break in the middle. Please wear comfortable warm clothing and bring a smartphone to record and listen and something to write on (phone, laptop, notebook) as you will be given a short transcribing task.
A few days before this Mechanisms workshop you will receive a small reading and research task to do in preparation. Follow the instructions carefully, they are precise and anti-onerous.
Neil Mulholland and Naomi Garriock will be there to meet you on the day.
11:00-13:00 Part 1

Basic Mountain, Hill St, Edinburgh
Anonymity: Introductions 121, Shape, Colour, Contact Details
Art Education :
Private study session and coffee-time with the Art Education Library and 121 Q&A all about you
Mechanisms: Workshop Work: A friendly looking concoction of autotelism, altruism, authorship and trust
Breakout outside time and solitary eating of LUNCH before reconvene
14:00-16:00 Part 2
Materialise: Mindlessness: shape, colour, pattern
Homework Contract & AOCB text reading:
Final Q&A, complimentary souvenir promise
(Naomi Garriock - Mechanisms (2020))
((c) Basic Mountain, 2020)