Sprint 2.2 | Play: Redux Classwork
The Mandatory Reading for All MCATs to read for this week is:
‘1. Play is’ (pp1-18) in Play Matters (Sicart, 2014)
Each Basho will be also be assigned a Bespoke Reading, the bashos are as follows:
Study Groups (‘Basho’):
Green 🟢
Purple 🟣
Yellow 🟡
Bespoke Readings for each group are are:
Greens Read 🟢
‘1. Play and Ambiguity’ in The Ambiguity of Play (Sutton-Smith, 2001: 1-17)
Purples Read 🟣
Yellows Read 🟡
‘1. Precursors to Ludic Participation’ in Play and Participation in Contemporary Arts Practices (Stott, 2015: 16-32)
Before you begin, you may wish to learn a little more about what ‘reading’ a set seminar text involves at the University of Edinburgh.
Our Institute for Academic Development (IAD) offer good advice on how to critically approach a seminar set-text here.
It’s important not to take what you read at face-value. You need to engage in Critical Thinking. Here, a group of Edinburgh undergraduates explain what Critical Thinking is for them: