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MA Contemporary Art Theory

MA Contemporary Art Theory

School of Art, The University of Edinburgh

Artists’ Toolkits //// MA CATs at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop

Thursday 25th November 2021

11:00 to 13:00

Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop //// 21 Hawthornvale, Edinburgh EH6 4JT, Scotland

Artists’ Toolkits are free, open resources created by artists for the purpose of sharing their practices.


For this year’s Art & Open Learning Fair, MA Contemporary Art Theory students will be running a series of 15 minute workshops at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop to demonstrate how to use and modify their toolkits as a way of ‘inhabiting’ their practices by taking part in them.
Building on Shift/Work: Inhabiting Practice (Tormod W. Anundsen and Helene Illeris, 2018) each MA CAT student has created a toolkit to share and playtest with you.

Retain – Reuse – Revise – Remix – Redistribute


2-3 workshops will run simultaneously:

You are free to take part in any workshop you like.

11:00 – Rui Shu, Chris Coatham, Shuwen Chen

11:30 – Weixiao Wei, Jialing Zou

12:00 – Ziyu Dang, Shireen Chen, Dave Molnar

12:30 – Peiying Gu, Kejing Sun, Dami Lee

Here is the full Timetable for Artist’s Toolkits with a wee bit of info on each workshop:

Download your Toolkit Timetable here:

Image of Toolkit Timetable

Free Culture: Contemporary Art in the Open

Following Artists’ Toolkits at ESW, each toolkit will be openly published here on the MA CAT programme site as a fully modifiable Open Educational Resource (OER).

In this, the MA CAT programme seeks to realise The University of Edinburgh’s commitment to the ideals of UNESCO’s 2002 Forum on Open Courseware:

The University encourages staff and students to create and publish OERs to enhance the quality of the student experience, increase the provision of learning opportunities for all, and contribute to the global pool of open knowledge.

BYNCSA Artists’ Toolkits Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Rui Shu, Chris Coatham, Shuwen Chen, Weixiao Wei, Jialing Zou, Ziyu Dang, Shireen Chen, Dave Molnar, Peiying Gu, Kejing Sun, Dami Lee, 2021

Artists’ Toolkits is a partnership generously supported by Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop. It was made possible by Dan Brown, Debjani Banerjee, Naomi Garriock, ERASMUS+, Shift/Work, the faculty of MASTKUN UiA Kristiansand and staff and students of Contemporary Art & Open Learning (MA CAT, Semester 1, 2021) University of Edinburgh.




PDF Toolkit Poster

For more info, please see: What is the MA CAT?



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