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MA Contemporary Art Theory

MA Contemporary Art Theory

School of Art, The University of Edinburgh

Art & Care Series: Socially Engaged Art during and after Covid

Cambridge School of Art and Drew University on Wednesday 19th of January 2022, 16.00-17.30 (UK time) 


This event is online in MS Teams. Click here to join 

This panel discussion is part of the Art & Care series and includes the following contributions:
– Prof. Paula Gerstenblatt (University of Southern Maine, USA) ‘Collage Portraits as a Representation of Complex Narratives: Utility in Research, Pedagogy, and Community and Artistic Practice’;
– Dr Costanza Meli (Art historian, IED, Rome) ‘Public/Art in the time of Covid’;
– Ian Nesbitt (socially engaged artist, filmmaker, and pedestrian based in Sheffield, UK) ‘A trajectory of unlearning as a result of the pandemic’;
 Natalie Pace (Curator co-founded Pier Projects Art Agency , Felixstowe, Suffolk) ‘Commissioning and delivering artist-led projects with a socially engaged approach within the context of covid19 and social distancing: Alisa Oleva and Idit Nathan’.
The session is chaired by Dr Elena Cologni (Cambridge School of Art, ARU, UK) and Dr Merel Visse (Drew University, US) By referring to the importance placed by care ethicists on relationality and interdependence, these are discussed in the context of social engaged art practices and research strategies. In particular, we want to reflect on Meli’s research questions investigating: ‘what happened when, due to the pandemic these approaches were no longer possible, and whether the phase of social distancing that we still experiencing during the pandemic, represents only a moment of pause in activity, of waiting, or if it favours a more complex and lasting rethinking of the forms of social involvement, participation and democracy social engaged practices are based’.
The event is part of the Art and Care series including examples of best practices impacting society, through the lens of creative research and care ethics. The series is led by Dr. Elena Cologni, Artist and Senior Research Fellow, Cambridge School of Art, Anglia Ruskin University, and Dr. Merel Visse, Director Medical and Health Humanities at Drew University (US) and Associate Professor at the University for Humanistic Studies in The Netherlands.
Cover image: (c) Ian Nesbitt, The Book Of Visions, 2021, image credit: Laura Page Photography

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