一年生: Marigold Kazmierczak, Loren Beyers, Jaya Asher-Keir, Eve Cameron

 学園祭がわかりませんでしたので、ストールをけいかいできない。学園祭のストールをけいかうするの前に、インタビューがあります。 まず一生に学園祭のテーマをはなしたり、面白いしつもんをかきました。このしつもんは私たちのインスピレーションです。いしゅかんに毎日インタビューをじゅんびしました。インタビューの日に、べんりなちゅうこくをききましたから、学園祭のストールをけいかいできました。留学生は私にとてもいけんを教えました。私たちたいせつなあんないをかきました。



学園祭の日に、私たちは屋台の準備のため早目に行きました。本当にうまく行きました! みんなで交代で屋台を管理して、他の屋台を眺めました他の屋台もとても個性的で面白かったので、色んな物を買ってみました たくさんの人が私たちの屋台に来てくれました。結局、少しずつ利益を出すことができました! 楽しかったです、いつかまた学園祭をやりたいです。


  When it came to planning our stall, we first needed to know what Gakuen-sai is really like. To start, we thought of topics we were interested in together. We then wrote down a list of questions we planned to ask the Japanese students. These questions would go on to influence our stall, so we made sure to ask about a wide range of things to give us good inspiration. We practiced them every day for a week to ensure we could communicate effectively. Then, it was time for us to interview the students. We got very detailed information. We worried we may not be able to write it all down and keep up, but we managed to record the important key points from the foreign students. These included things like music circles hosting performances, sport circles having competitions, and some stalls even selling interesting foods like cactus. 

  After we conducted our interviews with the Japanese students, we learned a lot and put our new knowledge to use in discussing what kind of stall we should have on the day of the Gakuen-sai.  As we were considering our possible options, the idea we decided on that seemed the most fun to do was a stall where you can decorate chocolate coated cookies with kanji characters.  We assigned each other roles that we would perform in preparation for our stall, such as who would coat the cookies in chocolate, who would decorate the cookies with kanji characters using coloured icing, and who would create a kanji poster for other students to use as guidance on the day. 

After we split up the roles, we prepared firstly by going out and buying the supplies together, the day before the Gakuen-sai. We decided on our type of cookie, colours of icing and type of chocolate. After purchasing, we went back to Marigold’s kitchen to decorate them. We coated the cookies in chocolate and worked together using different coloured icings to write the kanji on them, once the chocolate was cooled. We wrote in orange, pink and white so that the kanji would stand out against the colour of the chocolate. We left them in the fridge so that they could set overnight and be ready for the next day. 

  On the day of the Gakuen-sai, we showed up early to set up the stall with our cookies, icing and posters. Things went really well! We all took turns managing the stall, and when we weren’t at the stall, we got a chance to look at what the other stalls were selling. There were some cake stalls, a tea stall, a blessing stall, an accessory stall and lots of fun games. They were all very unique and interesting, so we decided to buy some things. Lots of people came to our stall to buy or decorate cookies which we were all happy about. In the end we made a small profit! We all had lots of fun and would love to do something like it again.