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グループ3の二年生の2023学園祭 – デルとキース

For the 2023 Gakuensai, we had a food stall selling melon bread and cookies. Our incredible first years made the bread, and our second year Keith made the cookies. Everyone else helped by buying drinks, plates, cups and complimentary mochi. Melon bread was chosen as this is a traditional Japanese food that we found out from the interviews, is a popular food to have at a gakuensai. Many people enjoyed our stall, which makes us glad. 

2023年の学園祭では、メロンパンとクッキーを販売する屋台がありました。 私たちの素晴らしい最初の年はパンを作り、2はキースさんがクッキーを作りました。 ほかの人たちはみんな、飲み物やお皿、コップ、お餅を買って手伝ってくれましたメロンパンは、学園祭で食べる人気のある日本の伝統的な食べ物だということが取材で分かったので選ばれました多くの方に楽しんでいただき、嬉しく思います 


This year’s gakuensai was fun and had many entertaining stalls for example virtual reality and quizzes. This years’ experience was different from last year as last year there were more food stalls whereas this year there were more interactive stalls. (Del)

今年の学園祭はとて楽しく、バーチャルリアリティやクイズなど、たくさんの屋台がありました。 今年は昨年とは違った経験をしました。昨年は屋台が多くなり、今年は屋台が多くなりました。 


This year our group set up a Japanese food stall and sold various desserts like cookies and melon pan. Our team was great, and we had a lot of fun deciding what to do. I made cookies such as the traditional Kamakura dove sable and some chocolate sables that I saw in a Fukuoka bakery. The first years made melon pan and it looked delicious. My friends also had interesting stalls, so I’m glad it looked so fun. (Keith) 


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