の伝統や風習については、皆それぞれ異なる意見を持っていました。 私が話をした人の一人は、学園祭は最高のお祭りだと思っていました. 私が話した別の人は、花見は最高の伝統だと考えていました. 伝統と習慣が重要であることに誰もが同意した。 私が話をした人々は、エジンバラ大学の学園祭に行くことにとても興奮していると言いました。
大学2年生になったので、後輩のお手伝いを担当させていただきました。 残念ながら、オンラインで後輩に連絡するのは非常に困難でした。 とくかく学園祭の後輩を手伝うのは楽しかったです。
Gakuensai was very fun this year. It was held indoors on campus at 50 George Square. My group decided to feature a mixture of VR games and carnival-style games. We had various VR games on a headset for visitors to try out. We also had lots of masks inspired by Setsubun that visitors were encouraged to throw beans at and to try and gain lots of points. As rewards for the visitors, we had mochi and other sweet treats. My group worked together to set everything up. Many people came to try out the activities we had at our stall. The VR headset was especially popular as many people had not experienced VR games before!
I also had a lot of fun seeing the activities at the other stalls. I especially enjoyed going to get face paint done. I also thought the stall with Mario Kart was very impressive.
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