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 Our stall was inspired by the popular Japanese sport of archery and by Valentines/White day as this year’s Gakuensai fell in between the two dates. We set up a target and had participants try to hit the target to win love-themed cakes & treats.



Valentines Day as well as White day are holidays with a focus of love. As a Group we liked the idea of having our stall themed after the holiday. Our stall had two parts. One being archery representing cupids bow. The second being baked goods that you could win through playing the game and eating points. We also had chocolates that represented the chocolates you would receive on Valentine’s Day. Our group enjoyed decorating and making our stall look like Valentine’s Day. We found that playing the archery was fun and sometimes a little challenging. But our valentines themed baked goods made the challenge worth it. 


このプロジェクトの学園祭が日本のホワイトデーごろ起こると気ついた時、ストールのテーマをロマンチックにすると思いました。When we noticed that the Gakuensai would happen around White Day in Japan, we came to the idea of making our stall a romantic theme related to the Japanese tradition.

そして、キューピッドが弓をよく持って見える愛の象徴ですから、ホワイトデーと弓道のコンセプトをついに決めました。Because Cupid is a symbol of love that is often seen carrying a bow, we decided on a White Day and kyudo concept for our stall.

弓道のポスターを学園祭のために作りました。長い時間をかかったけど、ポスターを綺麗にして、弓道のこともたくさん知りました。I was tasked with making a kyudo poster for the project, and I was proud of how it ended up. I enjoyed learning about it, particularly how kyudo it’s not only seen as a competitive sport, but also a strong cultural and spiritual practice.

学園祭のにぎやかな雰囲気を楽しみました。同じ日本語を勉強しているグループメートと一緒に 協力して学園祭を果たせるのは 嬉しかったです。来学期の Language プロジェクトも 楽しみしています。I enjoy being part of a bigger community of Japanese learners and people who are interested in the country and its culture.



私たちも屋台のために焼きたいと思っていました。学園祭の屋台の多くが屋台であることを知り。私たちのグループには、パンを作るのが大好きな人もたくさんいます!We wanted to bake for our stall after finding out that many stalls for gakuensai are food stalls. Many of the people in our group also love baking!

ロマンチックなテーマを選択したので、ピンクと赤などの色でストールを飾りました。ハートの飾りもたくさん使いました。As we chose to do a romantic theme, we decorated our stall with colours like pink and red. We also used heart decorations as they are associated with love.

出店用にチョコレートのれいぞうこケーキを作りました。それは私のお気に入りのデザートです。本当にチョコレートで美味しいです。For the stall I made chocolate fridge cake as it is one of my favourite desserts. It is really delicious and chocolatey.

I found it really interesting learning about Japanese culture such as school festivals. It was really fun to work with a group and actually host our own stall for a Gakuensai rather than just learning about it! I think our stall was very successful and went well. I also really like that another team did origami for their stall and enjoyed making flowers.


多くの焼き菓子にはバレンタインをテーマにしたパッケージがあり、屋台をより華やかに見せるのに役立ちました。As we decided to do a Valentines Day/White Day themed stall, I brought some pink and red tinsel from Christmas that we used to decorate it. I also bought some heart-shaped balloons.

このレシピで約60個のクッキーが作れるので、アーチェリーゲームの低レベルの景品としてたくさん使いました。For the stall I chose to make my special chocolate chip cookies. It’s a secret recipe I developed and everyone who tried them loved them as much as I do!

日本のバレンタインデーとホワイトデーについて行った研究を通して、学園祭について学ぶとともに、私は一般的に日本文化について多くのことを学んだような気がします。I found learning about the Gakuensai really interesting as festivals like these are something every student in Japan will experience at some point in their lives. I also really enjoyed seeing what other people came up with for their stalls, and I especially liked the stall that sold the melon pan – it was so delicious!


日本人の学生と学園祭について話しました。時々、アイドルはキャンパスに来ます。学生も演芸に参加します。エディンバラの学園祭は演芸がありませんでした。残念ですね!来年多分だれか歌って、踊ります。We found from our interviews with some Japanese students that in Japan, Gakuensai often have live performances or plays either performed by the students or brought in from outside. This year’s Edinburgh Gakuensai unfortunately didn’t have a performance but maybe next year we can set up karaoke for someone to grace us with their skills!

日本人の学生は会社か大学に支援金をもらえます。私たちは支援金をもらわなかったから、自分のお金を使わなければなりませんでした。We took guidance from what the students said about how the stalls were funded. While a business funding us would have been nice, we ended up buying resources ourselves and then paying back some of the money that we earnt for

Of course, actual Gakuensai are on a much larger scale and often held outside but I think we did a great job at capturing the essence of the event. Especially since more recent events in Japan have stalls to educate foreign participants on Japan and this year’s stalls either demonstrated or tested Japanese culture and knowledge.

みんなの売店はとても楽しくて、独創的でした。イギリスの大学にも学園祭があったいです。It was great to see everyone who wanted to try the archery, and whether they knelt, crouched, or braved standing up. All the stalls were so creative and fun! I wish British universities did a similar thing.


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