Tag: Rare disease research
Image: Brothers Benjamin, seven, and Gabriel, three, both have ATR-X syndrome By Rebekah Tillotson, Chancellor’s Fellow at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer With Ben Harris and Jennifer Martinez-Harris, ATRX Research Alliance (a parent-led global group of families committed to accelerating research) ATR-X (Alpha-thalassemia X-linked intellectual disability) syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects […]
How can early career researchers, such as PhD students, integrate the expertise of several labs into their research? This post aims to introduce why we research rare diseases, particularly craniofacial disorders, and share the experiences of students working across labs with complementary expertise. Congenital malformations are conditions which emerge early in development. Researching the genetics […]
Above: Comfy sofas for scientific discussions In September 2023, I began my 4-year MRC Human Genetics Unit (HGU) PhD journey at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer (IGC) in Edinburgh. Despite consistently nearly being blown away by the wind, I shall still head to the IGC for my experiments and PhD training. I am […]
Above: RNAse H2 structure, predicted with AlphaFold-Multimer. The visualization of interfaces raises questions on mechanisms of action, which can then be experimentally tested in the wet lab. Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is slowly starting to make its way into every aspect of life. In the increasingly data-driven field of Biology, tools like AlphaFold are […]