Category: Expert Opinion
The Nicola Murray Centre for Ovarian Cancer Research brings together the laboratories of Professor Charlie Gourley (left), Professor Simon Herrington (centre) and Dr Robb Hollis (right) By Robb Hollis There are at least six different ‘types’ of ovarian cancer, each with their own unique behaviour, including differences in responsiveness to treatments. One of these types […]
Dr Olga Oikonomidou is one of the UK’s leading breast cancer academic oncologists based in the Edinburgh hub of the Cancer Research UK Scotland Centre at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer. As part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we talk to Olga about why she chose her career path and what her role involves. […]
“I can’t imagine what it’s like to have a child and be told they have an incurable brain tumour and there’s nothing that can be done about it.” It’s a stark message but it’s the motivation that led Dr Gerry Brien to work in the field of childhood cancer. He leads the Chromatin Biochemistry and […]
Professor Allan Bradley, former Director of the Wellcome Sanger Institute and entrepreneur behind Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Kymab, and T-Therapeutics among others, was invited to speak at the EpiCrossBorders Symposium hosted by the Institute of Genetics and Cancer. EpiCrossBorders is a collaborative PhD programme between Helmholtz Munch and The University of Edinburgh covering a broad range of […]
By Dr Robb Hollis Ovarian cancer ‘Ovarian cancer’ is really an umbrella term for a collection of different cancers that we detect at or around the ovary. While we used to think these all represented the same disease, we now know that there are multiple different types of ovarian cancer that each display unique clinical […]