In our upcoming PhD Lab meeting we will be partnering with FossilFuel.ed and the Edinburgh Earth Initiative for an open roundtable discussion framed by questions around the fossil fuel economy, its historical relationship with the University of Edinburgh, the role of universities in supporting a just transition, climate action responsibility, and more.
While FossilFuel.ed have proposed these themes as examples of topics we may discuss, our interests and concerns will lead the discussions, and we will follow the directions participants wish to pursue in the conversation. We will follow a Long Table discussion format (Weaver, 2003) to invite people to share their perspectives in an informal space.
The event is intended to be an open and honest discussion. You are encouraged to share your knowledge, critiques, and hopes, which can go beyond the questions mentioned above.
Ideas or action items raised during the conversation will help shape the direction of the FossilFuel.ed programme. All are welcome to actively participate or join as an observer. Please register using our Eventbrite page.
The programme’s team and steering group are enthusiastic about welcoming new collaborators into this space. Please contact Sofie Illemann Jaeger at sofie.illemannjaeger@ed.ac.uk if you are interested in working together or have any questions about our work. Please also feel free to reach out to share feedback on the event subject matter and format.
Date and location: Friday 18 November from 10:00 to 11:00 am at ECCI, High School Yards, Edinburgh EH1 1LZ