CHECKLIST – having the Talk.

What is this? This is the checklist for having the Talk.
Would you like to know why you should do the things on this list? Here is the Explainer! Use me as a checklist!

Print me! Tick me off! Fill me in! 

The Talk – about how we want to talk to each other. 

How do we want to communicate with each other?
O Frequency: how often do we want to meet? ____________________________________________________________________________________
O Medium: do we want to meet in person or online?
O in-person         O online      O agree each time
(If you choose online, DSN recommends Zoom or Teams. NOT Collaborate.)
O Length: are shorter meetings better or longer meetings? Our comfy meeting length is _______minutes max.
O Notes: Should we take them and who is taking them? Maybe send a wee email with bullet points after the meeting. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
O Style: Can we hint at something or should we always be explicit? Can we use metaphors? (yes, really!) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
O Other ways to communicate: Should we use other ways to communicate (as well)?
O Teams chat   O Teams voice messages   O  Teams video messages   O MS To-Do Tasks   O Other ____________________________

What can we expect of each other?
O How much time do we realistically have for each other? _______________________________________________________________________
O How much work/feedback do we expect of each other and when? _______________________________________________________________________
O What are our working hours? When can we reach each other and how? ________________________________________________________________________
O emailing outside of working hours is ok for us, but we will reply during working hours
O emailing outside of working hours is NOT okay for us
O emailing in this time-slot is NOT okay for us _____________________________
Knocking on the office door is   
O okay     O okay if door is ajar    O NOT ok, please email/message first

Consider the needs of both parties and find something that works for both.
Try to openly discuss needs, but be prepared that the student might be ashamed or scared and not tell you everything right away.
Keep talking, these terms can be changed later if they no longer work!


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