Print me! Tick me off!
(Wanna know why we should do the things on this list? Check out the Explainer)
Hybrid or Not Hybrid, that is here the question
O Check if you can make your event hybrid (do it if you can!).
O Choose good meeting software, Zoom or Teams. Do NOT use Collaborate.
The Venue
O You can book more than one room close to each other.
O Have options: chairs for sitting, standing spaces, wheelchair spaces in all spaces.
O There is a lift, and it works.
O There is a way in and out for wheelchair users (ideally as long or shorter than the not accessible route).
O The venue is labelled/has clear signage (bonus if the labels are in braille, too).
O If you’re hybrid: does the venue have conferencing tech?
The Tech
O The audio tech in the venue is adjustable by venue staff or you (e.g. you can turn the volume up and down).
O The venue has screens and microphones (ideally with hearing loop connection).
O There are plenty of sockets and/or you can safely bring extension cords.
O Hearing loops are available.
O Have roaming mics.
The Loo
O There are clean toilets nearby.
O There are gender-neutral toilets available.
O There is at least 1 wheelchair accessible toilet.
O There is a baby changing facility (bonus: it is separate from the women’s toilet).
O There are sanitary products in all loos, both pads and tampons.
The Food
O Vegan/Vegetarian/Halal/Kosher/Gluten-free options are available.
O The caterer is willing and able to provide a meal for people with food allergies.
O There are non-alcoholic/non-caffeine/sugarfree options.
O There is access to drinking water/bottle filling option at all times, outside of breaks and meals.
O Brews are offered with dairy and alternatives, such as oat milk. There is a caffeine-free option.
The Talks
O Have Captions (if you have funds, consider providers like Streamtext, if you need it at no cost, Zoom or Teams call yourself and switch on CC).
O Encourage speakers to face the audience and design accessible slides.
O If you have a BSL interpreter, make sure BSL users are sitting close to the interpreter.
O Close the chat on online/hybrid and open it only for messages to the host.
O Have an alternative feedback/question system, such as cards.
The Social
O Offer a quiet room and a loud room.
O Avoid music in the background, unless it’s a dance/ceilidh, then offer free earplugs.
O Consider a play area (fidget toys, a deck of cards or two, a simple board game).
O Make it clear that alcohol is NOT the default and both alcoholic/non-alcoholic options are offered equally.
O Consider a coloured cup system “Give me space”, “Happy to chat”, “Would rather just sit here and listen”.
Before the event
O Send out the invitation with a calendar invite (internal) or with a .ics calendar file so those who struggle with working memory can add a placeholder to their diary right away.
O Ask for accessibility needs right at the start. Physical, sensory, dietary. Make clear the event is inclusive.
O Offer papers digitally and as a paper copy (Accessible docs guide here). Offer a golden copy that is not editable, such as .pdf and an open format, editable copy .docx or .odt. If you have funds, offer braille on demand.
O Consider if you want to help attendees connect, offer a way for them to interact after the event, such as Zoom chat if it was hybrid. Alert them before the event and offer opt-out.
During the event
O Have name badge for your attendees, ask for attendees’ preferred name (e.g. people from Hong Kong often have a Chinese and an English name) and pronoun, put it on the badge.
O Consider colour coding (such as a red frame for those who need/want 1m+ distance around them for various reasons), have max 3 different badges. E.g. “Organisers”, “Attendee”, “Attendee – give me space”.
O Have at least one “Here to Help” person on duty at all times during the event.
O Have comfort breaks. Do not skip them.
After the event
O Send out a follow up with slides, links to videos, etc.
O Consider asking for feedback in a simple form, act on the feedback.
O When publishing news about the event, highlight it was inclusive.
Questions? Want us to check if your event is accessible?
Email me here. Or send me a Teams message here. Or book a slot to meet with me digitally or in person here.