Call for papers: ‘Gender Transgressions – Historical Perspectives’
This year’s Women’s History Scotland Conference on ‘Gender Transgressions – Historical Perspectives’ will explore the idea of transgressing gender norms (including those relating to masculinity and femininity) and the consequences of this for individuals or groups.
The event will take place in Edinburgh on Saturday 16 November, supported by the School of History, Classics & Archaeology.
Organisers include New College PhD candidate Jo Thor.
Call for papers
Women’s History Scotland welcomes proposals for papers of approximately 20 minutes in length from scholars at all stages of their careers (especially postgraduate) and from independent researchers.
The call covers all historical periods (ancient, medieval, modern, contemporary) and all geographical places including Scotland.
Abstracts of 250-300 words along with a brief biographical note (up to 100 words) should be sent to by Wednesday 31 July 2019.
More details about the conference can be found on the Women’s History Scotland website.
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