Annotations Tools in Ancient Roam

Ancient Roam now has the annotation tools, so all the Roam facilities allow you to add your own features (symbols, lines, polygons and text) to the map.

Ancient Roam Annotation Tools

We are always looking for feedback so if you have any requests for symbols, line styles or any other features you would like put on the map, let us know. You can comment on this post or email us directly here:

Mailto: EDINA help desk

Remember there is a video on how to use the general features of the Annotation Tools on YouTube:

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube]

ESRI UK/CHEST Technical Event – 13th September, Edinburgh

The 2011 Esri UK and Eduserv Seminar will be taking place on 13th September at Surgeons Hall in Edinburgh. The event is a chance for Esri users from UK Academia to hear about the new Esri CHEST agreement which started on 1st August, as well as what’s coming in ArcGIS 10.1 and various presentations from members of the Higher Education community. Members of the Digimap team will be attending to present on using Digimap data in ArcGIS, we will also have a stand so if you are attending, come and talk to us!

The event is free to attend, but you must register at:

Information about the Chest agreement can be found at:

Digimap OpenStream updated

Digimap OpenStreamDigimap OpenStream, EDINA’s open WMS service, has been updated with the latest version of OS Street View from the OS OpenData collection. The latest version is from May 2011 and contains change-only updates.

EDINA aims to provide the latest version of OS OpenData via the OpenStream service. This means that datasets may be updated part way through an academic year.

For more information about OpenStream and to register click on the following link:

Digimap OpenStream

There are also YouTube videos on how to use OpenStream in ArcGIS and Quantum GIS:

OpenStream In ArcGIS

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube]

OpenStream in Quantum GIS

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube]

Isle of Man Maps

Isle of Man
© Crown copyright/database right 2010. Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service.

Ordnance Survey isn’t the national mapping agency for the Isle of Man, however they do include it in a few of the mapping products they produce:

  • OS MiniScale,
  • 1:250,000 Scale Colour Raster
  • Strategi,
  • Land-Form PANORAMA,
  • 1:50,000 Scale Colour Raster

The easiest way to view the Isle of Man is to do a place name search for Douglas or anywhere else on the island in Digimap Roam. This will take you straight to the Local View, which uses the 1:50,000 Scale Colour Raster.  You can zoom out from this view and see maps at each scale level, though there are only contours in the District View as there is no Meridian 2 data to provide roads and other topography.

Unfortunately you cannot zoom in from the Local View as this is the most detailed mapping the Ordnance Survey have for the Isle of Man. If you need more detail then you will have to contact the Isle of Man Government:

All the Ordnance Survey mapping products mentioned above are available to download from Digimap; just go to the Data Download facility.

There is a good post on the Ordnance Survey blog which explains how all the different parts of the UK including the Isle of Man fit together:

The difference between UK, Britain and the British Isles

MasterMap Topo

Working with OS MasterMap

As lots of people are currently working on projects and dissertations we thought we’d share a few tips on using the OS MasterMap data from Digimap.

MasterMap TopoNOTE: MasterMap Download will be temporarily unavailable as part of the ‘At Risk’ period on Monday the 22nd of August.  It will also be unavailable for about an hour on either Wednesday 24th or Thursday the 25th of August as well.  This is to allow for some essential hardware maintenance on the server that houses the Database.  We are really sorry for any inconvenience this causes.

The MasterMap data available will be updated as part of our annual data refresh at the beginning of September.  If you need the 2010-2011s data then please order in advance of Monday the 22nd to ensure you don’t get caught up with the maintenance.

Downloading the Data

Remember that if you just want MasterMap as a background map you can use the 1:1000 or 1:2000 Raster versions of the data. This is available from the Data Download facility:

I just want some data

If you need the vector data for use in a GIS then you will need MasterMap Download:

How to use MasterMap Download

There is also a video on using  MasterMap Download:

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube]

Data Conversion

Once you have downloaded your MasterMap Data you will most likely need to convert it into a format that your GIS can use. There are three main options to do this, InterpOSe, OSM2MIF and Productivity Suite, see the following link for more information:

Getting MasterMap into a GIS or CAD

Other Help Resources

Using MapManager / Productivity Suite to convert MasterMap

Using MasterMap with MapInfo

Using MasterMap Data with AutoCAD:

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube]

2011 Data Update

This year’s annual data update will take place at the beginning of September.  There will be a refresh the following Ordnance Survey products:

MasterMap Topo

  • MasterMap Topography and ITN Layers
  • VectorMap Local
  • Meridian2
  • Strategi
  • MiniScale
  • Code-Point
  • Code-Point with Polygons
  • Boundary Line

1:250,000 Colour Raster

  • 1:250,000 Colour Raster
  • 1:50 000 Colour Raster
  • 1:25 000 Colour Raster
  • 1:10 000 Raster
  • 1:50 000 Scale Gazetteer


There will also be updated Hydrospatial data in Marine Digimap and a new version of the DiGMapGB-50 data in Geology Digimap.

Along with the new data Ancient Roam will be getting the Annotation Tools and there may be a bit of a surprise bonus addition to Digimap Roam. More information will be posted on the Blog, Twitter and Facebook page nearer the time.

Annotation Tools in Marine Roam

Now we have the annotation tools up and running they are being added to all the Roam services thick and fast! Marine Roam is the latest to get the tools, again they are an initial version with the basic set of features.

Marine Annotation Tools

Please let us know if you have any requests for symbols, line styles or any other features you would like to be able to annotate the map with. You can comment on this post or email us directly here:

Mailto: EDINA help desk

Remember there is a video on how to use the general features of the Annotation tools on YouTube:

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube]

There is also a section in the How to use Marine Roam help page that covers how to use all the different tools:

Annotation Tools in Geology Roam

Following on from the success of the annotation tools in Digimap Roam, we have now added them to Geology Roam. The tools are the same as the one in Digimap Roam at the moment but we hope to add in a set of geology specific symbols and features in the near future.

Geology Annotation Tools

We’d like to know what sort of annotations you’d like to put on the geology maps; perhaps a dip and strike symbol you can rotate and add a dip value to, or a borehole symbol that you can label with a depth and ID number. Please comment on this article if you have any ideas or send us an email:

Mailto: EDINA help desk

Don’t forget we have a quick guide on what you can do with the annotation tools on YouTube:

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube]

We also have a section in the Geology Roam help page that describes how each of the different tools works:

Geology Roam Help

We hope to add the annotation tools to the remaining services over the summer, keep checking the blog for news of when they will be released.

High Quality PDF Printing For Ancient Roam

You can now download high quality PDF maps from Ancient Roam for printing.  This element of the service has been quite tricky to implement, so until now we have only had the save image button  to get a PNG image of the map you are viewing.

Now you can use the print button  to access a similar interface to the ones found in all the other Roam services.  You can see a sample PDF by clicking on the thumbnail below:

The Round Tower, Windsor Castle
A Sample PDF from Ancient Roam.

There are still a couple of options to add into Ancient Roam print maps; we need to add the ability to print 2up maps and the ability to switch off counties in areas where there are overlapping maps. Look out for these arriving in the near future.

Information about how to use all the features of Ancient Roam can be found on the following help page:

How to Use Ancient Roam