MapAction – Haiti Appeal

MapAction is a a volunteer-based charity and non-governmental organisation which works in disaster zones providing frequently updated situation maps showing where relief help is most urgently needed.

The earthquake in Haiti has killed all but two members of the Haitian national mapping agency (the equivalent of Ordnance Survey). At Digimap’s 10th Anniversary event on 20th January 2010, Vanessa Lawrence, Ordnance Survey’s Chief Executive and Director General, took a moment to tell of the work that MapAction are doing in Haiti and encouraged donations to this cause.

Donations can be made online directly from the MapAction website:


Training: Southampton, 1 February

EDINA will be running a Digimap training course entitled “What to do with Digimap data” on Monday 1 February at Southampton University.

Further details of this course can be found on the EDINA website.

Please register by 17 January 2010 if you would like to attend. The course is free and lunch/refreshments will be provided.

If you have any questions about who should attend or about the course content, please contact the EDINA Helpdesk on or 0131 650 33302.

Digimap 10th Anniversary Celebration

EDINA is holding a celebratory event to mark the 10th anniversary of the launch of the Digimap service on the 20th January 2010. All Digimap site reps and support staff are invited to join us in Edinburgh to mark the occasion.

During the day, there will be a number of speakers and demonstrations to showcase the Digimap service past, present and future and in the evening there will be a drinks reception followed by dinner with guest speaker, Mike Parker (television presenter and author of ‘Map Addict’).

The daytime event will be free of charge with lunch and refreshments provided. Tickets for the evening event (including drinks reception) will be available for £24 (or £30 including wine).

Site reps and Support staff can find out more details and register for the event here:

Event Programme


Live Webinar: Productivity Suite

ESRI (UK) is running a LIVE WEBINAR entitled:

Productivity Suite 2.0 – Unlocking the Full Potential of Ordnance Survey Data

It is being held on Wednesday 4 November 2009, 10:00 – 11:00 am

If you are using Ordnance Survey data from Digimap and your institution has a licence to use ArcGIS, you might find this a useful event to attend. Licensing ArcGIS via Chest includes the Productivity Suite, an additional software application providing data conversion tools. Productivity Suite does not cost extra, but should be requested specifically when the Chest licence is purchased.

Further details of the Webinar can be found on the ESRI (UK) website at:

New Digimap Training Schedule 2009-10

Booking is now open for several Digimap training courses and online workshops to be run in 2009-10. These events are open to staff members in UK higher and further education institutions.

Further details of course content and learning objectives can be found on our website, where you will also find booking forms:

The first online workshop, Digimap Site Reps – Update for 09/10, is scheduled for 7 October 2009 at 12:00 noon. Emma Sutton will discuss the Variation Agreement to the Ordnance Survey Data sub-licence, which took effect in August 2009. The recent data update will also be covered.

Lunch and refreshments are provided for attendees. All EDINA training courses are free of charge. Regretfully, however, we will charge £25.00 per person for each day of absence of which EDINA is not given prior notice.

If you are uncertain about the relevance of a course for your needs, please get in touch with EDINA for advice at

CHEST / ESRI Technical Event – 15 Sep 2009

The following event may be of interest to Digimap users.

Following the success of the ESRI Technical Event held at the University of Leeds in 2008, Eduserv and ESRI have arranged a second meeting, to be held at the University of Birmingham on 15th September 2009. The meeting is intended to bring together people from universities and colleges who are either using ArcGIS (or other ESRI software) or providing and supporting ESRI software in their institutions. In addition to an overview of the new facilities in the latest version of ArcGIS, other topics include a visit to Birmingham University’s 3-D Visualisation Suite, a discussion of how to make the most of the ArcGIS licence management system and an introduction to ArcGIS in virtualised or server environments. There is also plenty of time to meet and talk with colleagues from other institutions and staff from ESRI UK.

Lunch will be provided and there is no charge for the event. However, you do need to register your interest in attending. You can do this online at MyESRIUK here:


Date: Tuesday 15 September 2009
Time: 10:00am tea and coffee for a 10:30am start
Location: University of Birmingham (specific details and map will be provided upon registration)


10:00am – tea and coffee

10:30am – ESRI Introduction: Angela Baker (ESRI UK)

10:50am – Virtualisation vs. ArcGIS Server: Peter Halls (University of York) and Alison Rumble (ESRI UK)

11.20am – User Experience Talk

12.00pm – 2.00pm – Lunch with time for networking as well as guided
tours of the Virtualisation Suite at University of Birmingham

2.00pm – Interoperable Landmap and EDINA data and services: Kamie Kitmitto (Mimas)

2:30pm – new features of ArcGIS 9.3.1 and extensions – demonstration by Alison
Rumble (ESRI UK)

3:00pm – Break for tea and coffee

3:30pm – Licensing Issues: Anna Clough (University of Leeds) and Peter
Halls (University of York).
Topics include: how to find out how many
users you really have and who those users are (flex logfile analysis);
non-dongled support; use outside of the British Isles; licence servers.

4:00pm – Question and Answer

4:30pm – Tea / Coffee to close.

For full details of the Chest Agreement for ESRI please visit

If you have any questions, please see the Eduserv website or contact Eduserv Help at

Reminder: Digimap Training in June

EDINA would like to remind you that booking is now open and there are spaces available on the following Digimap training courses, which are open to staff members in UK higher and further education institutions:

  • Digimap Essentials 4 June 2009, Bilborough College, Nottingham
  • Digimap Collections Training 9-11 June 2009, Exeter University

You will find more details of course content and booking forms on EDINA’s Training and Events page. If you are uncertain about the relevance of a course for your needs, please contact EDINA for advice at

All EDINA training courses are free of charge and lunch is provided. Regretfully, however, we will charge £25.00 for each day of absence from a course without giving us advance notice.

Supporting you remotely

EDINA’s User Support team has recently delivered some short online workshops about elements of various EDINA services, including Digimap, using a web conferencing service called Instant Presenter. In order to join in with online training, you just need a web browser and a set of headphones.

We plan to develop a fuller programme of such online workshops in the next academic year. Although our initial aim is to deliver these workshops to staff in order to allow them to support users, in time we may open the workshops to students too. You can subscribe to our Training and Events feed so you can be the first to know about forthcoming training dates.

We would really like to hear from you about your requirements. Are there particular elements of our services on which you need more information? Do you have any particular topics of interest?

Ad-hoc online workshops can also be arranged at a time that suits you, so if you need support, please ask! You can contact us via the EDINA Helpdesk or you can call our Training Officer, Vivienne Carr, on 0131 651 1852.

Updated Digimap Training Materials

We have recently updated all the training materials available via the Site Representative Support Area within Digimap’s Ordnance Survey Collection. To access these materials, log in to Digimap’s Ordnance Survey Collection and click on the the Site Representative Support Area link in the left menu panel. Once in the Site Representative Support Area use the index on the left to click first on the Training Materials item, then the Download Materials item.

You are free to take any of the documents to either brush up your own Digimap knowledge and skills or to pass these on to others. Materials can also be downloaded from the EDINA website without logging in to Digimap.

As always Site Representatives are encouraged to use these training materials to run their own local courses on Digimap, both for other staff and for students.

For details of scheduled courses run by EDINA, please visit our Training and Events page. Details of our new online training sessions are also available from here.

Reminder: April Digimap Training

This is a reminder that there are still spaces available on the following Digimap training courses, open to staff members (and postgraduates for the OS MasterMap courses) in UK higher and further education institutions:

  • Digimap Collections: 31 March-2 April 2009 – Leeds University
  • OS MasterMap for Users: 22 April 2009 – York University

The following courses will be offered but booking is not yet open:

  • Digimap Essentials: 4 June 2009 – Bilborough College, Nottingham
  • Digimap Collections: 9-11 June 2009 – Exeter University

You will find listings and booking forms (where open) for these and all other EDINA training events here: These courses are free of charge. Regretfully, however, we will charge £25.00 per person for each day of absence of which EDINA is not given prior notice. This is due to the increasing number of no-shows at courses.

Note that all attendees MUST be registered users of Digimap’s Ordnance Survey Collection in order to participate in the OS MasterMap training.