Geoforum 2013: Congress Centre, London 20th June

Digimap LogoEDINA are planning to hold a Geoforum event on Thursday 20th June at the Congress Centre, Great Russell Street, London.  If you support the use of Digimap at your institution or use it for teaching then you will want to keep the date free in your diary.

training courseIt will be an all-day event with workshops, hands-on demonstrations and talks showing you what we are working on.  We are very keen to hear your views about the next generation of Digimap services; so we would like you to join us and share your ideas.

Geoforum is a great opportunity for you to discuss any issues with the EDINA team and to network with geospatial people from across academia. We are aiming to provide more time and space for discussion and debate at this year’s event.

Further information will be posted here on the Digimap blog and the EDINA Events page, including details of the programme and how to register:

Congress Centre LogoUseful Info: