Scotland’s Greenspace Map now available to download through OS Data Download

Scotland’s Greenspace Map is now available to download through the Data Download application in the Ordnance Survey Collection of Digimap.

Scotland's Greenspace Map, coastline taken from GB National Outlines from Ordnance Survey.
Scotland’s Greenspace Map, coastline taken from GB National Outlines from Ordnance Survey.

Scotland’s Greenspace Map provides information about the type and extent of greenspace in urban Scotland (i.e. towns and cities with a population of over 3000). It was compiled in 2011 from greenspace data provided by the 32 Scottish local authorities.

The dataset categorises greenspace into 23 different open space types (for example, public parks, private gardens, play areas, semi-natural, community gardens and allotments). These types are based on the Planning and Advice Note (PAN) 65 Planning and Open Space. Sometimes one area has more than one type of greenspace. For example, the main (primary) use of the area may be a public park, but within this, an area is used as a play area (secondary use). The primary use is shown as a block of colour and the secondary use is shown as an area of hatching.

Scotland's Greenspace Map
Detailed map at 1:10,000 showing primary use (solid colours) with secondary use displayed on top using hatching.

The dataset is supplied in ShapeFile format with documentation and layer files to style the data in QGIS and ESRI’s ArcGIS. Layer files are provided for display at the following scales:

  • National (approx 1:2,500,000) – uses a solid colour to denote the presence of greenspace within a Local Authority.
  • 1:50,000 – displayed using the broad 9 PAN65 typologies.
  • 1:25,000 – displayed using the 23 greenspace primary land use categories.
  • 1:15,000 – primary land use displayed as per 1:25,000 with a single category to show where a secondary use exists.
  • 1:5,000 – primary land use displayed as per 1:25,000 with secondary use split up in to six categories.

Please note: Scotland’s Greenspace Map is produced by and not Ordnance Survey. However the dataset was created using OS MasterMap® Topography
Layer so it is subject to the same licence conditions as the other licensed Ordnance Survey datasets.

More information about the product can be found on the official project page:

If you have any questions about the dataset or any other part of the service then please get in touch:

  • Phone: 0131 650 3302
  • Email: