CRITICAL Nature: Indigenous knowledge systems for climate change solutions in Sri Lanka and Indonesia worked to realise locally led activities relating to nature-based solutions driven by cultural heritage knowledge.

In Sri Lanka, applied-research focussed on understanding and sharing traditional skills through a workshop on nature-based solutions for adaptation and mitigation. A storybook style toolkit was produced in order to share the ‘lost’ traditional knowledge nationally across generations and this has led to a locally led tree planting campaign. This work was made possible by Dulma Karunarathna | University of Victoria –

The Indonesian research team identified the River Code in Yogyakarta city as an at-risk heritage asset in phase 1. Working with a community group, ‘Pemerti Code’, they co-developed an educational comic book called Sandyakala Code and an interactive mapping tool of the River Code to support locally led environmental protection and traditional knowledge sharing.

This work was made possible by Dr. Arry Retnowati, S.Si., M.Sc. – and (80) esti Anantasari | LinkedIn