This video depicts a trip to a botanical garden in the near future where existing technologies like audio tours and emerging technologies like augmented reality (AR) glasses and AI can enhances the learning experience for all ages and interests. Such technology could replace or enhance signage, tell stories in new ways with diverse voices, assist in citizen science, enhance nature exploration, environmental education, and formal and informal research, and allow one to explore vegetation and ecosystems no matter the location or time of year. Botanical gardens are holders of heritage like any museum or traditional community center. With the assistance of technology, storytelling, and the involvement of those who call these plants and their native regions kin, botanical gardens hold tremendous community and educational possibility in the coming years.

Rodney Clark
I live in Jarrow, England and have seen very high thistle plants growing in South Shields. They are at least 8 feet with thick stems and a cerise flower which gives a nice aroma. Have you been aware of plants this high before ?