Forthcoming free event: Reconceptualising Resilience – An International Perspective

In this seminar, which will also be available to join online, Professor Lisa McDaid, Dr Laurel Johnson and Dr Stephanie Wyeth from The University of Queensland will discuss ways of operationalising and implementing resilience science.
Drawing on evidence from Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and Canada, their work seeks to re-think resilience to improve child, youth, family, and community wellbeing within a bio-psycho-socioecological (BPSE) framework. The presentation will highlight emerging research and innovations including the need for placed-based community-led practice to support transitions towards more sustained community resilience.
A guest panel of practitioners and researchers will lead a discussion with the audience on how we can reconceptualise resilience in the Scottish context and support children, families and communities to flourish.
- Professor Lisa McDaid, Director – Institute for Social Science Research, University of Queensland
- Dr Laurel Johnson, Senior Research Fellow – Institute for Social Science Research, University of Queensland
- Dr Stephanie Wyeth, Director of Engagement and Senior Lecturer – School of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Queensland
- Dr Ariane Critchley, Lecturer in Social Work Child Protection, University of Stirling
- Kathryn Miller, Operations Manager – Fife Gingerbread
- Holly Curran, Team Leader, City of Edinburgh Council North East Children and Families Team
- Dalia Avello Vega, Doctoral Researcher, Social Policy, University of Edinburgh
We are looking forward to re-igniting our conversations about resilience, and hope to see you in person or online.
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