Saturday 4th December, 4 – 5pm

Emilia Terzulli, Marina’s mother, on her wedding day, Bari, Italy, l944
Do imagination and invention have a role in memoir writing? Can life come close to fairy tale, not in relation to the happy ending but to the suffering and the struggle?
Marina Warner will explore these questions with James Eglinton.
Please note that Marina Warner will be live on screen for this event and not in person.
Marina Warner is a writer of fiction, criticism and history; her works include novels and short stories as well as studies of art, myths, symbols and fairy tales. She is currently working on a historical study of Sanctuary in relation to the current displacement of so many, and exploring the function of storytelling in society – as refuge and remedy. Marina recently published Inventory of a Life Mislaid; An Unreliable Memoir and ‘Cinderella (That Story)’. In 2021 she received the Acqui Storia Special Lifetime Achievement Award. Visit her website: Home – Marina Warner
James Eglinton is Meldrum Senior Lecturer in Reformed Theology at the School of Divinity. He maintains a strong interest in public theology, both theoretical and practical, and has previously written for The Times, The Herald, The Scotsman, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, and Nederlands Dagblad. He has taken part in broadcasts on BBC Alba and BBC Radio nan Gàidheal.
He speaks, reads and writes English, Scottish Gaelic, Dutch and French.