An on-line viva experience…

Having completed my PhD via an on-line final defence (due to Covid-19), I have been asked by various colleagues to share my experience in order to help anyone preparing for a similar examination.

So, here is a quick summary of my experience.

This summary is written with some internal references pertaining to the University of Edinburgh, but I am sure similar information regarding the use of virtual communication tools is readily available with respect to other universities.

If you have any questions, please, feel free to get in touch with me via e-mail or social media.

There is also a wealth of peer knowledge available about viva preparation at the brilliant Viva Survivors website.

Good luck!

PS: Big thanks go to many who advised me before viva, especially my supervisors (Niki Vermeulen, Alessandro Rosiello, Robin Williams), peers who have already done it, other (senior) colleagues, friends and family. I would like to also thank my really kind and helpful examiners (Marina Candi and Andrew Webster) and the amazing non-examining chair (Lawrence Dritsas)

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