Welcome back! And if you know where January has gone, could you let me know? These days are going by so quickly I feel like I’m already playing catch-up. Speaking of catch up, wondering what a vet student’s break looks like? Here are some postcards from my Extra Mural Studies (EMS) and other adventures in Virginia!
Hay you!

Did you know horses are big?! Even the small ones are big! I was nervous because the sum total of my previous horse experience would not be a drop in their water bucket but this week at Loudoun Therapeutic Riding (LTR) is going really well! I helped workout a horse named Duke and I even tried my hand at carriage driving. Do not expect me to be carriage driving anytime soon! All of my horsepower will be motorized for the foreseeable future but having reigns in my hands was exhilarating! The people at LTR have been so kind and arranged for me to tour the Marion DuPont Scott Equine Medical Center. It was an amazing sneak peak into the clinical years that are just around the corner. I got to see a little bit of a pectoral surgery to remove an embolism. Horses present interesting challenges when trying to care for, treat, and transport. There has not been a lot of time for horsing around this week! But I’m so glad I came to LTR. I have always appreciated horses for their horsiness, but I have a much greater understanding of them now and the profound effect they have on the people who ride, care, and love them.
This week went by way too quickly! I’m chomping at the bit until I can come back!
Howl-lo there!

I am writing this time from my EMS placement at Homeward Trails Animal Rescue (HT). It is safe to say that as soon as I walked into the building everything went to dogs! I immediately met a Black Mouth Cur puppy named Tiger. Though he is recovering from a femoral head ostectomy, he has an unstoppable smile and an unflinching will to puppy! We take him on short walks to try and help him build back muscle tone. I used to volunteer with dogs at least once a week and I am realizing now how much I have missed it. I like to pretend that I am the Kennel Kid when I am cleaning: I wipe on with Accel, I wipe off with water. Everyone at HT has been so nice too! Once, we took turns evaluating a fecal sample and everyone described their favorite parasite. It is safe to say that the conversations I have had since starting vet school are much more contagious than before! It will be just as hard to leave the people here as it was to leave LTR. It will be hard to leave the dogs as well! I am missing my own four-legged love back home in California more and more. I can’t wait until I can snuggle up with her again next summer!
Have pawsome days!
Happy New Year!
Between EMS and studying for Animal Life, the break was starting to feel pretty…unbroken?? But thankfully I am staying with official take-a-break-enforcement officers, a.k.a my nieces and nephew! It is amazing how far you can travel using a child’s imagination. Our mornings start with rounds in the emergency room at Doc McStuffins‘ toy hospital. (Do you think I can submit these hours for clinical EMS??) Then we venture through the Forbidden Forest after nap time. We frequently dance ourselves silly(-ier). Non-imaginary highlights have included: a road trip to meet Santa, driving through the neighborhood at night to find the best twinkle lights, and Target runs. Seriously, I miss Target. And I cannot tell you how deeply satisfying it is to run everyday errands with my sister. I would not trade a night out for one of the times we have fallen asleep together while binging on our favorite shows. I don’t know how I am going to pack up to leave. Practically speaking, my PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) no longer fits in my suitcase! (How did I inherit so many sweaters on this trip?) As much as I do not want to leave, I am excited to see my friends at school again. And yes, I am excited to learn more things! I have met so many amazing people through EMS. All I want to do now is learn more so I can help more the next time I visit them!
P.S. Please remind me of this aforementioned excitement during our next revision week!
(Photo Credit: Homewards Trails)
(Photo Credit: Homewards Trails)