The following scholarly titles provide much food for thought on the related topics of child labour, childhood and children, slavery and slave exploitation as well as the exploitation of human labour more broadly. The list is by no means exhaustive, but it is hoped that it will provide a suitable starting point for anyone interested in these areas of research, whether in Roman antiquity or in one or other (more) modern geography.
Aasgaard, R. 2006. ‘Children in antiquity and early Christianity: research history and central issues’, Familia 33: 23-46
Bodel, J. 2011. ‘Slave labour and Roman society’, in K. Bradley and P. Cartledge (edd.) The Cambridge World History of Slavery, 1: The Ancient Mediterranean World (Cambridge), 311-336
Bonner, S. 1977. Education in Ancient Rome (London)
Boulvert, G. 1970. Esclaves et affranchis impériaux sous Haut-Empire: Rôle politique et administrative (Naples)
Bradley, K. 1994. Slavery and Society at Rome (Cambridge)
Bradley, K. 1991. Discovering the Roman Family. Studies in Roman Social History (Oxford)
Bradley, K. R. 1985. ‘Child labour in the Roman world’, Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques 12: 311-330
Braun, H. and Valentin, M. 1989. Villermé et le travail des enfants (hier et aujourd’hui) (Paris)
Bureau international du travail. 1935. La réglementation du travail des enfants et jeunes gens. Etudes et documents. Série I (Travail des femmes et des enfants). No 3 (Genève)
Capasso L. and Di Domenicantonio L. 1998. ‘Work related syndesmoses on the bones of children who died at Herculaneum’, The Lancet 352: 1634.
Caty, R. ed. 2002. Enfants au travail. Attitudes des élites en Europe occidentale et méditerranéenne aux XIXe et XXe siècles (Aix-en-Provence)
Chantraine, H. 1967. Freigelassene und Sklaven im Dienst der römischen Kaiser. Studien zu ihrer Nomenklatur (Wiesbaden)
Cunningham, H. 2005. Children and Childhood in Western Society Since 1500, 2nd edition (London and New York)
Cunningham, H. 1998. ‘Histories of childhood’, The American Historical Review 103: 1195-1208
Cunningham, H. 1990. ‘The employment and unemployment of children in England c.1680–1851’, Past & Present 126: 115–150
David, P. A., Gutman, H. G., Sutch, R., Temin, P., and Wright, G. (edd.) 1976. Reckoning with Slavery. A Critical Study in the Quantitative History of American Negro Slavery (Oxford)
De Herdt, R. 2011. ‘Child labour in Belgium 1800-1914’, in Lieten and van Nederveen Meerkerk edd. 2011: 175-192
Evans Grubbs, J. and Parkin, T. edd. 2013. The Oxford Handbook of Childhood and Education in the Classical World (Oxford)
Fogel, R. W. and Engerman, S. L. 1974. Time on the Cross. The Economics of American Slavery (Boston and Toronto)
Flach, D. 1990. Römische Agrargeschichte (München)
Gamauf, R. 2012. ‘Kindersklaven in klassischen römischen Rechtsquellen’, in Heinen ed. 2012: 231-260
Gardiner, D. 1929. English Girlhood at School. A Study of Women’s Education through Twelve Centuries (London)
Giardina, A. 2000. ‘Bambini in miniera: Quartulus e gli altri’, in G. Paci ed. ΕΠΙΓΡΑΦΑΙ: Miscellanea epigrafica in onore di Lidio Gasperini (Tivoli), 407-416
Goldberg, P. J. P. 1992. Women, Work, and Life Cycle in a Medieval Economy. Women in York and Yorkshire c. 1300-1520 (Oxford)
Gubin, E. 2011. ‘Elites, employers, child labour and compulsory education in Belgium before 1914’, in Lieten and van Nederveen Meerkerk edd. 2011: 193-208
Gummerus, H. 1906. Der römische Gutsbetrieb nach den Schriften des Cato, Varro und Columella (Leipzig)
Hafter, D. M. ed. 1995. European Women and Preindustrial Craft (Bloomington and Indianapolis)
Hanawalt, B. A. 1993. Growing up in Medieval London. The Experience of Childhood in History (New York and Oxford)
Hanson, C. and Griffith, H. F. 2016. ‘Tanning, spinning, and gathering together: intergenerational indigenous learning in textile arts’, Engaged Scholar Journal 2.1: 225-246
Heinen, H. ed. 2012. Kindersklaven – Sklavenkinder. Schicksale zwischen Zuneigung und Ausbeutung in der Antike und im interkulturellen Vergleich (Stuttgart)
Heitland, W. E. 1921. Agricola: A Study of Agriculture and Rustic Life in the Greco-Roman World from the Point of View of Labour (Cambridge)
Herlihy, D. 1990. Opera Muliebria. Women and Work in Medieval Europe (Philadelphia)
Herlihy, D. and Klapisch-Zuber, C. 1978. Les Toscans et leurs familles: une étude du catasto florentin de 1427 (Paris)
Herrmann-Otto E. 1994. Ex ancilla natus. Untersuchungen zu den “Hausgeborenen” Sklaven und Sklavinnen im Westen des römischen Kaiserreiches (Stuttgart)
Hetherington, P. 2002. Settlers, Servants and Slaves. Aboriginal and European Children in Nineteenth-Century Western Australia (Crawley)
Heywood, C. 2011. ‘Child labour and child labour reform in nineteenth-century France: an international perspective’, in Lieten and van Nederveen Meerkerk edd. 2011: 137-158
Hindman, H. D. 2011. ‘Understanding the persistence of child labor in United States crop agriculture’, in Lieten and van Nederveen Meerkerk edd. 2011: 391-416
Hindman, H. D. 2002. Child Labor: An American History (Armonk, NY)
Hoerder, D., van Nederveen Meerkerk, E. and Neunsinger, S. edd. 2015. Towards a Global History of Domestic and Caregiving Workers (Leiden and Boston)
Holleran, C. 2016. ‘Labour mobility in the Roman world: a case study of mines in Iberia’, in de Ligt and Tacoma edd. 2016: 95-137
Honeyman, K. 2007. Child Workers in England, 1780-1820. Parish Apprentices and the Making of the Early Industrial Labour Force (Aldershot)
Hopkins, K. 1978. Conquerors and Slaves. Sociological Studies in Roman History, Vol. 1 (Cambridge)
Horn, P. 1974. The Victorian Child (Kineton)
Humphries, J. 2013. ‘Childhood and child labour in the British industrial revolution’, The Economic History Review 66: 395-418
Humphries, J. 2011. ‘Child labor: lessons from the historical experience of today’s industrial economies’, in Lieten and van Nederveen Meerkerk edd. 2011: 35-60
Humphries, J. 2010. Childhood and Child Labour in the British Industrial Revolution (Cambridge)
Jongman, W. 2003. ‘Slavery and the growth of Rome. The transformation of Italy in the second and first centuries BCE’, in G. Woolf and C. Edwards edd. Rome the Cosmopolis (Cambridge), 100-122
Joshel, S. R. 1992. Work, Identity and Legal Status at Rome. A Study of the Occupational Inscriptions (Norman and London)
Joshel, S. R. and Hackworth Petersen, L. 2014. The Material Life of Roman Slaves (Cambridge)
Kirby, P. 2011. ‘The transition to working life in eighteenth and nineteenth-century England and Wales’, in Lieten and van Nederveen Meerkerk edd. 2011: 119-158
Kirby, P. 2005. ‘How many children were “unemployed” in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century England?’, Past & Present 187: 187-202
Kirby, P. 2003. Child labour in Britain, 1750-1870 (London)
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Mohler, S. L. 1940. ‘Slave education in the Roman Empire’. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 71: 262-280
Nicholas, D. 1995. ‘Child and adolescent labour in the late medieval city: a Flemish model in regional perspective’, The English Historical Review 110: 1103-1131
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Perry, M. J. 2014. Gender, Manumission, and the Roman Freedwoman (Cambridge)
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