Tag: culture
After six months of work on the ToLCAAH project, we are excited to share our findings! At an online event on Tuesday 30 August, 3-5pm, the project team and our industry partner, Data Thistle, will share: How to get large-scale cultural events data into the hands of arts and humanities researchers What a large-scale cultural […]
The overarching aim of this project is to get contemporary cultural events data into the hands of arts and humanities researchers. As part of this project, we have undertaken a case study using cultural events data supplied by our industry partners Data Thistle to ask some of our own research questions and to explore the […]
A text that has been influential for us on this project is Cultural Analytics by Lev Manovich. The focus of Manovich’s book is the computational analysis of cultural data. Our project aims to make the data stream emanating from the UK cultural events industry, including theatre, festivals, film, exhibitions, etc, accessible for computational and other […]