Our Chief Editor, Niamh Carey-Furness (she/her) sat down with Andrew Campbell (he/them), Youth and Events Manager at Edinburgh International Film Festival, to talk about New Visions Short Film Competition. New Visions is a youth-focussed short film competition created by the Edinburgh International Film Festival (EIFF). Running since 2018, the competition is open to Scottish-based youth (15 to 25 year olds). Submitted films can be any genre and explore any theme, providing they run under fifteen minutes.
近日,爱丁堡大学学生电影杂志《电影特派》总编辑Niamh Carey-Furness (she/her) 采访了爱丁堡国际电影节青年项目与活动事务经理Andrew Campbell (he/them),一同交流和讨论了于今年重新回归电影节的“新视野短片竞赛” (New Visions Short Film Competition)。“新视野” (New Vision) 是由爱丁堡国际电影节 (Edinburgh International Film Festival, EIFF) 创建的以青年为重点的短片竞赛项目。竞赛创立于2018年,主要面向苏格兰青年人群 (15至25岁) 开放。参与竞选的影片作品不限类型 (genre) 与主题 (theme),影片时长要求控制在15分钟以内。
Niamh: First of all, how can people get involved and why should they?
Niamh: 首先,请您谈谈人们如何参与本次竞赛,以及竞赛的意义是什么?
Andrew: If you want to get involved, I would highly recommend checking out the website which has all of the submission details: https://www.edfilmfest.org.uk/new-visions-2022
Andrew: 对于想要参与此次电影节竞赛的电影人,我强烈推荐您登陆我们的网站,关于作品提交的所有细节都可以查询到: https://www.edfilmfest.org.uk/new-visions-2022
As to why you should submit, there are a few reasons! This year we are offering winners £1,500 worth of Procam Take Two vouchers. Procam Take Two offers film equipment hire so the winners can use these vouchers to create their next film. It is also an opportunity to have your short film screened at this year’s Edinburgh International Film Festival, putting it directly in the path of industry professionals. So, if you can…get applying!
至于说到为什么要参加我们的电影竞赛,其实有很多理由!今年我们会为电影节冠军获奖者提供价值1500英镑的Procam Take Two电影设备租赁公司的代金券。获奖者可以用代金券租借专业的电影设备来继续创作他们的下一部电影。同时,您的影片也会在今年爱丁堡国际电影节的竞赛单元展映,作品将有机会直接进入业界专业人士的视野。所以,如果可能的话……请尽快投递您的作品吧!
Niamh: What makes New Visions unique compared to other youth film competitions?
Niamh: 相比起其他青年电影竞赛,您认为“新视野”有何不同之处?
Andrew: New Visions has a direct link to the Edinburgh International Film Festival, one of the world’s longest-running film festivals.
Andrew: “新视野”竞赛与爱丁堡国际电影节直接对接,而后者是世界上举办时间最长的国际电影节之一。
Shortlisted films are seen by industry professionals and our Youth Advisory Group before being screened as part of EIFF. We provide each shortlisted film with captioning and audio-description files for free. Filmmakers will be sent these files directly so that they can increase the accessibility of their shorts, no matter how they eventually decide to distribute the film.
入围影片将由行业专家和我们的青年顾问团 (Youth Advisory Group) 观看后,作为爱丁堡国际电影节的一部分进行展映。我们免费为每部入围影片提供字幕和音频描述文件。电影制作人也将直接收到这些文件,无论他们最终决定如何发行影片,他们都可以借此让更多的人观看并享受他们的作品。
We also offer to host the film on the EIFF YouTube channel for three months following the initial screening, providing more opportunities for the film to be seen.
Niamh: Who is the ideal filmmaker for this competition? Beyond the age bracket and link to Scotland, is there a particular type of person this opportunity would suit?
Niamh: 竞赛项目想要发掘什么样的电影制作人?除了年龄段和苏格兰本地的要求外,是否还有其他适合这一机会的人群?
Andrew: The competition has three categories: filmmakers aged 15 to 18, filmmakers aged 19 to 25 making films as part of a formal education course (at university or college) and filmmakers aged 19 to 25 making films independently or as part of an informal course (in film workshops or programmes like BFI Academy). We have created these categories to reassure filmmakers that no matter their level of experience, there is space for them.
Andrew: 竞赛设有三组类别: 15至18岁的电影制作人;19至25岁的大学或电影学院在读学生,其参选作品为正式专业课程要求的一部分;19至25岁的独立电影制作人,或修读了非正式电影课程 (电影培训班或如英国电影学会开设的电影研修项目) 的电影制作人,其参选电影为按照课程要求创作的作品。我们之所以悉心分类,是想要让更多的电影制作人参与进来,不论其经验水平如何,这里都有其一展身手的舞台。
While we do try to encourage applications from underrepresented groups, we want as many people to apply as possible. We are aware that not everyone has the budgetary means and technical knowledge to make a perfectly slick short film. What we want is ideas and originality.
If I absolutely had to define who would be perfect for the project, I would say anyone with imagination, determination, and something to say. Some of the most influential indie films have been made with a group of friends, a handheld camera, and a great idea!
Niamh: How have previous winners or runners-up used what they have learnt from New Visions?
Niamh: 往届竞赛获胜选手是如何将他们从“新视野”中所学运用到实践中的?
Andrew: In 2019, we had a fantastic entry called The Brave by Fraser Scott. He re-entered the competition in 2021, and won for his film Fart Car. The short went on to win an award at the Glasgow Short Film Competition. Fraser Scott also worked with us to create this year’s New Vision trailer.
Andrew: 2019年有一部非常精彩的作品,是由Fraser Scott拍摄的The Brave。接着,Fraser在2021年再次参加了短片竞选,并以其作品Fart Car获得当年的冠军。这部短片后来在格拉斯哥短片竞赛中也获得了奖项。今年,Fraser Scott和我们一起制作了“新视野”竞赛项目的预告片。
Something I hear a lot from previous participants is that New Visions provided them with the confidence and encouragement to pursue filmmaking full-time. It also provides winners with a network of industry contacts. Other winners have gone on to become producers, critics, event managers and directors. I bump into previous participants at industry events all the time, which I think speaks to the success of the project.
Also, with this year’s prizes, we will be able to provide the winners with some financial support to make their next film, which I am very excited about.
Niamh: How has the competition evolved since it was founded in 2018?
Niamh: 自2018年创办以来,“新视野”竞赛有何发展变化?
Andrew: In previous years, submissions had to be a Scottish premiere. This year we are waiving that stipulation. As long as the film wrapped production after 1st August 2021, we can accept it.
Andrew: 在前几年,提交竞选的影片必须是在苏格兰首映的作品。今年,我们放弃了这一规定。只要影片在2021年8月1日之后完成制作,那么我们就可以接受投稿。
We have expanded our award categories so they don’t just focus on age grouping but also, create spaces for those that do not have access, or interest, in traditional educational pathways.
We are always evolving, trying to better our accessibility, secure better prizes, and find the best in new filmmaking talent.
After talking with Andrew, it is clear that New Visions is a great starting point for young filmmakers no matter where or when they are starting from. It was encouraging to hear that the competition has evolved over time to suit the needs of young people by expanding award categories and changing submission rules. Although the aim of the competition is to facilitate filmmaking, it also helps young filmmakers tap into a community by creating contacts and so, paves the way for future industry professionals.
As Andrew so wonderfully put it, all it takes are friends, a camera and, an idea.
Andrew Campbell (he/them) interviewed by Niamh Carey-Furness (she/her), edited by Niamh Carey-Furness (she/her) and translated by Shuhao Chen (he/him) for The Film Dispatch. The submission deadline for New Vision is Sunday 22nd of May at 13:00.
本文由访谈嘉宾 Andrew Campbell (he/them),采访&编辑 Niamh Carey-Furness (she/her),翻译Shuhao Chen (he/him) 共同为爱丁堡大学《电影特派》杂志撰稿。“新视野”电影短片竞赛投稿截止日期为5月22日 (周日) 13:00。