Those 10 days full of gay taught me,

No religion, caste, creed, colour, gender discrimination.

Let’s build this nation.

Those 10 days taught me,

Think critically.

Not to follow foolishly.

Everyone showed love and put me pinned.(Overwhelmed)

From the bedroom, hall, corridor, to the canteen.

Those 10 days taught me,

The history behind the mills to malls.

And treat equally to all.

Whether a load lifter

Or a sex worker.

Those 10 days taught me,

It made me understood the types of livelihood.

We youths’ world revolve around it (livelihood)

But we are not involved in it.

Those 10 days taught me,

What is Urbanisation? Economy? and our Contribution?.

What is Decent Work and Future of Work but Social Security is the matter where it get stuck.

Those 10 days taught me, 

Power and Money is the main reason to make fight.

Still, the country’s future is in our hand let’s make it bright.

They use ‘Hate’ as weapon.

Stop! Open your eyes to bring the change, be ‘Spy’ (who believes on truth)

Those 10 days taught me, 

What is Research? And the person who do it is called Researcher.

And the Researcher’s feature.

The steps I should take (Survey, interview, social audit…..)

But not to believe the ‘Fake’.