Supporting urban childhoods – Observations on caregiver use of public spaces from Pune (India) and Istanbul (Turkey)
Spatial knowledge from a research initiative done in partnership with the University of Edinburgh and the Eindhoven University of Technology. Using observation as the primary tool, researchers explored how young children and their caregivers make use of public spaces in disadvantaged locations for everyday uses.
To share the knowledge on multifaceted nature and use of public spaces in two very different geographies, different resources illustrating insights of the project were developed:
Story strings. The Pune and Istanbul Story strings are visual user stories highlighting the influence of the built environment on early childhood development.
A girl’s day out. This is an illustrated novel that tells the story of a common trip of a family who lives in Pune, the “Kumars”. The route and the struggles they encounter told in this story are real.
Policy brief. The state of child-friendly policy for Istanbul’s children.