The youth participating in the project “Shaping futures: youth livelihood options in creating inclusive cities” have been encouraged to publish materials produced by them regarding the main issues addressed in the project. The idea is to use a current and friendly language to stimulate the debate and, in the near future, to present the results of the research carried out as part of the project.

The video produced for Tik Tok, starring Gustavo Gomes and scripted by Gabriel Bergone, members of the project “Youth in Action for Creating Inclusive Cities” developed by the International Center for Research and Policy on Childhood (CIESPI/PUC-Rio) and the Fluminense Youth in Action Forum (FJSFA-VR), shows the benefits of the Young Apprentice Program. The Program constitutes one of the main initiatives of the Brazilian government to connect and include young people in the job market. The program is supported by the Apprenticeship Law (10.097/00), which establishes that all medium and large companies must include in their workforce young people aged between 14 and 24, in a special employment contract, offering apprenticeship and paid professional experience.