The consortia got together for the first of many virtual workshops we are going to hold across UK, India and Brazil.

Focus of the workshop:
First hour: Each partner YUVA, CIESPI, FoV, NIUA gets 15 mins to present their research/ practice focusing on:

  • How you work
  • How your work connects to our project
  • How you see the process moving forward and the deliverables you are responsible for/ contribute to
  • Questions and discussions (15 mins)

BREAK 10-15 mins
Second hour: We will have a collaborative document to work on together online for this

  • Shared definitions of concepts (including, youth, livelihoods, city caravans, inclusive cities, participatory democracy, youth innovation, engagement methods, etc)
  • Based on these discussions we will draft definitions that the group can agree/ edit/ disagree with.

BREAK 10-15 mins
Third hour: Developed a shared understanding of the project. The situation we are in may not change very soon. In what ways will this impact the project? What are the mitigation strategies we can put in place?